Twogether Updates

Time To Vote: Ensure Your Individuals Are Educated and Have The Opportunity To Vote

October 17th, 2024 Please be sure to provide education about voting, if needed as well as opportunities for your individuals to vote. Twogether Consulting recommends checking out the "My Voter Portal" at the Secretary of State's website before voting to look for your voting location and to ensure an individual is still registered, as the individual may not be registered anymore if they have moved for example.  FYI, the voter registration deadline ended on Oct. 7th, 2024.  Information on...

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Letter To Providers From Twogether Consulting-October 15th, 2024

October 15th, 2024 From Twogether Consulting! It's almost time for Halloween and I am sure many providers already have some fun activities lined up for their individuals.  Let us also not forget that voting time is around the corner and we urge you to make sure your individuals are aware of their right to vote.  Please be sure to provide education about voting, if needed as well as opportunities for your individuals to vote. Twogether Consulting recommends checking out the "My Voter Portal" at...

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Annual EVV Policy Training Webinars for CDS Employers

October 13th, 2024 This is a reminder that HHSC will host Electronic Visit Verification training webinars for Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers required to use EVV. Attending the webinar will complete the annual EVV policy training requirement. Webinar Registration Agendas are included in the registration link. Oct. 31, 2-3:30 P.M. Alternatively, CDS employers can also complete the annual EVV policy training requirement on the HHS Learning Portal. The EVV Required Training Checklists...

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Resources for IDD Providers: Organizations & Associations

October 13th, 2024 National Organizations:American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)American Network of Community Options & Resources (ANCOR)National Association of Qualified Developmental Disability ProfessionalsNational Parent Network on Disabilities (NPND)The Accreditation Council State Associations:Private Providers Association of Texas (PPAT) Providers Alliance for Community Services of Texas (PACSTX) Southwest Society of Service Coordinators (SWSSC)...

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Office of Inspector General (OIG) Recommends Updating ER/Evac Plans

October 12th, 2024 From OIG: Update emergency plans Providers should take stock of emergency preparations, acknowledging that a disaster is best prepared for well ahead of time. In Texas, long-term care facilities, including assisted living, nursing and intermediate care facilities, hospices and group homes, are responsible for maintaining emergency response plans for the residents in their care. To verify that providers comply with federal and state requirements, OIG inspectors can review...

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CLASS Program Updates

October 8th, 2024 CLASS Program Manual Revised The Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) Provider Manual revision 24-2 updates Section 2350 and Form 3595. The revision is effective Sept. 1, 2024. Click here to review the updates.

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Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority Handbook (LIDDA) 24-3 Revision

October 7th, 2024 Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority Handbook (LIDDA) 24-3 revision updates sections throughout the handbook. The revision is effective Sept. 30, 2024. Click here for a full-size view of the updates.   12000 Protocol for Offering an HCS Crisis Diversion Slot Updates language for clarity. 12100 Purpose Updates reference to Section 12300. Updates language for clarity. 12300 Qualifications for the HCS Reserved Capacity Group for Crisis Diversion Changes...

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Joint Training From HHSC For Providers

Joint Training Page Available for HCS/TxHmL/ICF/ISS Providers The HCS and TxHmL programs now have a Joint Training Opportunities page where providers can register for upcoming classes. Class size will be limited to maximize participation, but classes will be offered regularly. Providers should check the page often for updates. There will be recordings of special presentations available for viewing on-demand later. October 3rd, 2024 October 2024 HCS/TxHmL/ICF Provider Webinar Training...

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EVV (Electronic Visit Verification) Updates

October 2nd, 2024 Compliance Review Grace Period Ends Dec. 31st, 2024! The compliance reviews grace period for EVV Usage and EVV Landline Phone Verification reviews for, personal care services and home health care services, will end on Dec. 31, 2024. Beginning January 1, 2025, program providers, financial management service agencies (FMSAs) and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers, that do not fully comply with the EVV usage and landline review requirements will be subject to enforcement...

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Assistance With Eligibility Issues Due To The End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage

October 1st, 2024 Resources: Actions You Can Take Now 1. Download Ambassador Toolkit 2. Visit End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage 3. Email Stakeholder Engagement with questions at: 4. Join the Ambassador Program –Ambassador Program Contact List 5. Explore the Interview Toolkit: Questions About Your Benefits | Texas Health and Human Services 6. Explore the Extended Postpartum Coverage Toolkit children   Email Addresses...

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EVV Policy Training Webinars For Program Providers, FMSA’s & CDS Employers: Sept.-Oct. 2024

September 14th, 2024 ** This is especially important for all of you new HCS/TxHmL Providers. Registration Available for HHSC EVV Policy Training Webinars for Program Providers, FMSAs and CDS Employers HHSC is hosting Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) policy training webinars for program providers and financial management services agencies (FMSAs), and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers. You will complete the annual EVV policy training requirement by attending one of the webinars....

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FREE Positive Behavior Management and Support 2024 (PBMS) Virtual Workshop

September 13th, 2024 The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is offering virtual Positive Behavior Management and Support (PBMS) and Advanced PBMS workshops at no cost for attendees on the following and times: September 23 (PBMS) October 9 (PBMS) October 25 (Advanced PBMS) November 8 (Advanced PBMS) **Please click on a date above to register for that workshop. The workshops are available to the public, including family members, caregivers, providers (educational, foster care,...

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Twogether Consulting Newsletter Library

Subscribe To The Twogether Consulting Mailing List! 2024 September 3rd, 2024 August 16th, 2024 August 5th, 2024 July 15th, 2024 July 2nd, 2024 June 17th, 2024 June 3rd, 2024 May 16th, 2024 May 1st, 2024 April 15th, 2024 April 1st, 2024 March 15th, 2024 March 1st, 2024 February 15th, 2024 February 1st, 2024 January 15th, 2024 January 3rd, 2024 2023 To Read previous newsletter editions from 2023, please click here       If you would like to be on our mailing list for this free...

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STAR+PLUS Transition Member Information: Change In MCO Providers

September 11th, 2024 Effective September 1, HHSC began transitioning contracts for the STAR+PLUS program. This document below provides STAR+PLUS members and providers with resources for assistance with go-live concerns.  STAR+PLUS Providers by service area (MCO's leaving, staying and new) I am a… I need help with… How to get help Member Learning general information about the transition See the HHSC STAR+PLUS webpage Member A complaint about my MCO Contact your MCO plan first. If the issue...

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TxHmL New Rates: September 1st, 2024

September 10th, 2024 TxHmL New Rates Click on link below: TxHmL Rates: Sept. 1st, 2024- PDF Download The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) approved payment rates for Support Consultation under Community Attendant Services (CAS), the Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) waiver program, the Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) waiver program, Family Care (FC), the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) waiver program, Primary Home Care (PHC), and...

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ISS Updates & New Rules (HCS/TxHmL)

September 9th, 2024 HHSC Publishes PL 2024-15:  Return To Temporary Licensure for DAH's ISS Only Providers HHSC has published Provider Letter 2024-15 Temporary Initial Licensure for DAHS-Individualized Skills and Socialization Only Providers.  Beginning September 9th, 2024, HHSC will resume issuing temporary initial licenses to DAHS-Individualized Skills and Socialization Only providers prior to conducting a health survey. May 5th, 2024 UPDATED ISS FAQ'S FAQs for Individualized Skills and...

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Payment Rates as of September 1st, 2024 HCS Rates Sept. 1, 2024 including ISS Status of HCS Rates as of Jan. 1st, 2023 (includes new ISS rates) HCS Rates Jan. 1st, 2023 including ISS services Status of HCS Rates as of June 3rd  2022 Provider Rate Updates for HCS and TxHmL Providers In early May, HHSC identified missing or incorrect rate keys for some Home and Community-based Services and Texas Home Living providers. On May 11–12, HHSC completed updates to rate keys for these HCS and TxHmL...

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Free Webinar Session  “Addressing the Recovery Support Needs of Persons with IDD”

September 3rd, 2024 Upcoming Free Webinar Session "Addressing the Recovery Support Needs of Persons with IDD" Hosted By Austin Integral Care and presented by Jordan Smelley, MHPS       Presenter:  Jordan Smelley, MHPS   I wanted to share this wonderful resource for providers.  I just received some awesome information that Austin Integral Care is hosting this webinar for providers and others working with persons with IDD.  Jordan Smelley is an amazing young man and I...

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Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute (TCCRI) Published Finalized White Paper On IDD Workforce Shortage & Rates

September 1st, 2024 Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute (TCCRI) met last spring with 3 IDD provider associations to discuss the IDD workforce shortage crisis and their efforts to secure additional funds to increase the wage rates above the $10.60/hour funded by the 88th Texas Legislature.  TCCRI prepared a white paper originally on this topic in 2019 and had great interest in preparing another white paper on this topic.  After many months of research, TCCRI has published the...

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Time To Care Coalition (TTCC)-Update

September 1st, 2024 The day before the House Human Services Committee hearing (August 27th, 2024 was the hearing date), Time to Care Coalition held a press conference in Houston urging Texas legislators to prioritize support for IDD funding. Avondale House, Center for Pursuit Volunteers of America These 3 programs all spoke about the workforce shortage crisis and the need for additional funds to increase direct care wages.  To view the press conference go to: ...

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Neighborhood LTC Pharmacy Hosting Educational Webinar With Jazz Pharmaceuticals For IDD Providers: September 23rd, 2024

August 31st, 2024 From Our Friends At Neighborhood LTC Pharmacy NRx Upcoming FREE Educational Webinar: Cannabinoid Science 101 "We are hosting an educational webinar with Jazz Pharmaceuticals on September 23rd - you can see the registration page here: This webinar is geared towards IDD Providers and care teams. Please feel free to mention/share this opportunity with the folks you work with directly and share the...

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House Human Services Committee Meeting: August 27th, 2024 (Link To Recorded Hearing)

August 30th, 2024 Presentations from August 27th, 2024  House Human Services Committee meeting to receive information on interim charge #3 related to the HCS program and the Interest List.  The committee received invited testimony from HHSC and two panels. The first panel was comprised of representatives from the ARC, ADAPT and Disability Rights Texas; the second panel included representatives from the 3 IDD associations.  Lastly, ANCOR, the national IDD provider association, presented a...

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HHSC’s Pre-Recorded Modules: TxHmL Certification Principles

August 18th, 2024 FYI- These training modules are very helpful to new HCS providers and/or HCS provider applicants  New TxHmL Certification Principles modules available for Providers HHSC Long Term Care Regulation has posted 4 recorded modules online, covering the new TxHmL Certification Principles for TxHmL Providers. These new principles became effective June 21, 2023. Each module is approximately 40-minutes in length. All current and potential TxHmL Providers are encouraged to access each...

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HHSC Info: Comprehensive Guide To Navigating Immunizations

August 16th, 2024 The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) hosts a website that offers immunization information and tools for the general public, health care providers, and local health departments. General public: Provides a user-friendly system for accessing services such as requesting immunization records, finding a vaccine provider, and staying updated on the immunization schedule. Health Care Providers: Provides an overview of DSHS programs, webinar access, and a learning...

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Monthly Provider Demonstration Webinars For CIMS

August 16th, 2024 Note: All Critical Incidents are entered into the CIMS system for HCS/TxHmL providers.  FYI-ISS providers please report all critical incidents to CIIS in Tulip, not CIMS. Monthly provider demonstration webinars are offered to providers with access to CIMS. HHSC encourages providers to take advantage of these live training opportunities. This applies to: Community Living Assistance and Support Services providers (CLASS). Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities providers (DBMD)....

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LIDDA Handbook Has Been Revised

August 15th, 2024 LIDDA Handbook Revision The Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability Authority Handbook (LIDDA) revision 24-2 updates Sections 13000, 15000, 19000, 21000 and 24000, and adds Appendix VI and Appendix VII. This revision is effective Aug. 15, 2024. Click this link to see the updates.

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PPAT Fall Conference For September 4th-6th, 2024: Update

August 14th, 2024 27th ANNUAL PPAT CONFERENCE Doubletree Hotel Austin 6505 IH-35 North, Austin, TX 78752 *Twogether Consulting will have an exhibitor booth at this event. Please come by and meet us. Join PPAT for Their Annual PPAT Conference, September 4th-6th, 2024! Online Registration available at: 2024_PPAT_Conf_Registration Keynote Speaker:   Robert Canino, JD, Regional Attorney, Dallas District Office, U.S. EEOC.  Mr. Canino who prosecuted the case of EEOC v. Hill Country Farms, Inc., dba...

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ICF/IID Updates

August 12th, 2024 PL 24-04 -Changes & Guidance To ICF/IID Provider Reporting Processes and HHSC Investigating Processes- Effective March 1, 2024. ICF/IID:  The ICF/IID rules to implement HB 4696  were circulated for informal comment in December 2023. As the ICF/IID rules to implement HB 4696 applies to the 6-13 bed facilities and is not yet adopted, yet the provisions in the bills became effective 9/1/2023.  We are unclear if or how HHSC is monitoring for compliance as the only guidance...

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Pre-Vocational Services: Proposed Rule Amendments to Implement HB 4169

August 6th, 2024 House Bill (H.B.) 4169  (Price) which was passed by the 88th Legislature directs HHSC to add pre-vocational services as a new benefit to HCS, TxHmL and DBMD. HHSC activities related to Implementation: Following the bill's passage and Governor's signature, HHSC consulted with the IDD SRAC Meaningful Skills Development & Employment Services subcommittee on several occasions to not only obtain feedback on  implementation of the service, but also to share conversations HHSC...

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From our friends at PACSTX! 2024 Annual PACSTX Conference October 1st-3rd Embassy Suites Conference Center San Marcos, Tx Members: $350 | Non-Members: $375   Early bird pricing ends September 1.   Group pricing is available. 2024-PACSTX-Topics-Flyer FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION HOTEL REGISTRATION This Year's Topics -New regulations & regulatory enforcement -Strategies for addressing personnel issues unique to our industry -Tech solutions & related strategies for...

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Medicaid Renewal Due Date: Notice of Extension

July 29th, 2024 A waiver was received from CMS to extend renewals for individuals who receive Medical Assistance Only for Medicaid for the Elderly and People with Disabilities due for renewal in October through December 2024 for 12 months. To clarify this would apply to the individuals who are receiving Medicaid due to a disability (SSDI) or being over 65 years of age, and would include individuals receiving a waiver program or residing in a facility. Their Medicaid will continue unless there...

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HHSC Contact List Update: Provider Claims Services (PCS)-Claims Management Division

July 26th, 2024 New PCS Contact In December, Marie Redman, Provider Claims Services, HHSC, retired.  Many providers relied on Ms. Redman for assistance with billing and claims issues.   Please update your HHSC contact list to change the contact person to Leah Gann (at least for now). Ms. Gann started in February of this year, as the Manager V with PCS in the Claims Management Division. She now holds the position that Marie Redman held prior. She has requested that providers please send emails...

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City of Austin: Register For Extra Help During A Power Outage If You Have Medical Needs Requiring Electricity

July 25th, 2024 Register Now For Extra Help Before a Power Outage Great resource I just saw from the city of Austin that providers may need for some of their more medically fragile individuals during a power outage with medical equipment requiring power.    "Does someone in your household have a critical medical condition that could become life-threatening during a power outage? You may qualify for the City of Austin's Medically Vulnerable Registry. Customers on the Medically Vulnerable...

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Correction to “LTC Dashboard Data Export Report Column Names (HCS/TxHmL Providers)

July 24th, 2024 Correction to “LTC Dashboard Data Export Report Column Names” Regarding the Excel Export Reports on the Long-Term Care (LTC) Dashboard: On June 21, 2024, two mislabeled column names were corrected on several LTC Dashboard Data Export Reports: Column O – Previously mislabeled as ‘Medicaid Eligibility End Date’ is now correctly labeled as ‘Last Billed Date;' and Column P – Previously mislabeled as ‘Last Billed Date’ is now correctly labeled as ‘Medicaid Eligibility End Date.’ The...

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EVV Guidance For Providers During Severe Weather

July 23rd, 2024 SEVERE WEATHER POLICY REMINDER In response to the recent severe weather, HHSC is issuing the following guidance for EVV program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs) and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers. All service delivery for an EVV-required service must be documented in the EVV system. If an EVV clock in and clock out method (home phone landline, mobile, or alternative device) was not available due to the severe weather, service providers and...

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Don’t Forget About ACRES Open Enrollment July 1st-31st, 2024

July 15th, 2024 HHSC announces State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2025 Open Enrollment for the following programs: Attendant Compensation Rate Enhancement Program for: Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) – Direct Service Agency (DSA) Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability or Related Conditions (ICF/IID) Texas Home Living (TxHmL) And other appropriate programs For SFY 2025, enrollment for the Attendant...

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Fee Review for Medicaid & Non-Medicaid Reimbursement Rates and Methodologies

July 12th, 2024 Biennial Fee Review for Medicaid & Non-Medicaid Reimbursement Rates and Methodologies Please register for the sessions of importance to you.  See below or go to: Online Meetings. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct stakeholder engagement meetings on August 8, 2024, to receive...

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“Beyond The Basic Certified Public Accounting Firm”-Presented by LaShonda Dennis of Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC

July 9th, 2024 Thank you so much for those of you who could attend today's session hosted by Twogether Consulting.   I know many of you who registered were unable to attend today.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to those of you in Houston and other areas affected by the hurricane and flooding.  We have recorded today's session and will also post it on our "gotostage" channel as well as LinkedIn and FB pages.   Click on the link below to the recording of today's session.  Register name and...

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HB 4169 Implementation: Proposed Amendments to HCS, TxHmL & DBMD Waivers

July 1st, 2024 HB 4169 directed HHSC to add pre-vocational services as a service through ISS or add it as a new service/benefit to HCS, TxHmL & DBMD.  In conversations with CMS last fall, HHSC was informed that the service had to be a separate service from ISS, hence HHSC is proposing the service as a new benefit.  Discussions with CMS, the Meaningful Skills Development and Employment Services subcommittee of the IDD System Redesign Advisory Committee and stakeholder feedback received in a...

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Town Hall about HCS enrollment requirements in PEMS: Practice Locations

June 30th, 2024 Town Hall about HCS enrollment requirements in PEMS Home and Community-based Services (HCS) providers must list their practice locations and billing offices in the Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS). Please review the following article which HHSC published on 5/2/2024 for more information: To help you add or maintain your practice locations in PEMS, the Texas Medicaid &...

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HCS/TxHmL Providers & FMSAs: Technical Assistance Session For TMHP on July 8th, 2024

June 25th, 2024 This is a very good opportunity for providers who need help, to receive assistance with issues they encounter when attempting to submit forms or claims in the LTC portal. HHSC Bulletin:  Medicaid and CHIP Services (MCS) will be hosting monthly sessions for Program Providers and Financial Management Services Agencies (FMSAs), who use the Long-term Care (LTC) online portal for the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) waiver programs. TMHP and HHSC...

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PEMS: Update On HCS Revalidations For Current Providers

June 28th, 2024 Town Hall about HCS enrollment requirements in PEMS Home and Community-based Services (HCS) providers must list their practice locations and billing offices in the Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS). Please review the following article which HHSC published on 5/2/2024 for more information: To help you add or maintain your practice locations in PEMS, the Texas Medicaid &...

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Assistance With Medicaid Renewal & Eligibility Issues

June 7th, 2024 Reposted From February 22, 2024 What Can Providers Do When They Need Assistance With Medicaid Renewal & Eligibility Issues? HHSC is constantly evaluating ways to be more efficient and improve the quality of the application review process, it was suggested that in addition to referring cases to Ms. Perez's office (Gracie Perez, Access & Eligibility Services) at HHSC, providers needing emergency assistance are urged to contact the Regional Director in their area. See list...

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Medicaid Eligibility Issue: Individual Assigned Wrong Medicaid Type Code (HCS/TxHmL)

June 7th, 2024 Individual Assigned Wrong Medicaid Type Code During The Renewal/Reinstatement Process   it has been brought to my attention that some of Individuals in our IDD waiver programs have sometimes been renewed/reinstated with the wrong type code for Medicaid, which then takes them out of the HCS or TxHmL waiver.  This also means the provider can't bill. For many of our individuals, R14 or 14 is the appropriate code for "waiver". Some providers have mentioned that their...

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Reminder Providers Must Sign Up For Blackboard Connect Emergency System (HCS, TxHmL, ICF, & DAHS-ISS Providers)

June 4th, 2024 BLACKBOARD CONNECT EMERGENCY SYSTEM Just as a reminder, this is not a voluntary process! All providers must appoint a designee to enroll in the system.  That designee is responsible for communication and responses to requests through this system.  Be sure to also note any other designees or back-up designee for the  Blackboard Connect Emergency System!  This system will be used to send emergency and outreach notifications through email, phone, voice and text if available. June...

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HHSC Transitioning STAR+PLUS Program Contracts: Please Register For Very Important Webinar

May 30th, 2024 HHSC is transitioning contracts for the STAR+PLUS program as of September 1st, 2024 Providers be aware that members may need to select new health plans. ·       Providers may need to contract with new MCOs. The STAR+PLUS Project Team invites providers to attend an upcoming webinar to learn about changes to the STAR+PLUS program. This information will be helpful to providers in communicating with STAR+PLUS members and engaging with managed care organizations. Each webinar will...

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Don’t Forget To Update Emergency Preparedness Plans Before Hurricane Season

May 22, 2024 Planning For Flooding & Hurricane Season ** Please remember to address tornadoes in your emergency and evacuation planning, if they apply to your area, as they often occur during or in conjunction with Hurricane Season.  In addition, Texas has already been hit by severe storms, large hail, and tornadoes during the month of May.  Some of these severe storms and tornadoes have already left many people in Texas without electricity in incredibly hot temperatures. See HHSC...

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Presentation Hosted By AAIDD: Autism CARES Act

May 28th, 2024 Presentation On The Extension of The Autism CARES Act Hosted by AAIDD Presenters: - Cindy Smith, Director of Public Policy, AUCD - Kim Musheno, Executive Vice President of Public Policy, ASA The Autism CARES Act provides research, education, training, and services for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. It must be reauthorized before it expires in September 2024. In this webinar, you will learn more about this critical law and how to advocate for its...

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Direct Care Careers Online Portal From HHSC: New Enhancements

May 28th, 2024 Direct Care Careers Enhancements HHSC launched Direct Care Careers August 2023, an optional, online portal that will connect potential employees with employers delivering home and community-based services through the state plan and HCBS authorities (1915(c), 1915(i), 1915(j), and 1115). To provide the best user experience possible, HHSC is excited to announce the following enhancements and improvements to the platform. All Users (Employers and Candidates) New options added to...

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Branding Guidelines and Waiver Program Handbook and Form Updates

May 22nd, 2024 Home and Community-based Services (HCS), Texas Home Living (TxHmL), Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS), and Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) waiver programs will be replacing the form and handbook term “individual” with “person” in accordance with HHS branding guidelines. HHS follows federal plain language guidance to help ensure all programs use language that makes communications easier for the public to read, understand and use the first time...

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Notice: HHSC Hearing June 4th, 2024

May 20th, 2024 HEARING NOTICE:  Tuesday, June 4th at 9:00 a.m. in Room E2.030, Capitol Complex. Evaluate the appropriate role of the state in overseeing Medicaid managed care. Electronic public comment will be available for: -Health and Human Services Commission Medicaid and CHIP procurements -Medicaid managed care quality metrics -Models for state Medicaid and CHIP contracting The intention of this hearing is for the the committee to be educated on the current Medicaid managed care...

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TMHP Communication Request: Confirm Your E-mail Address With PEMS!

May 18th, 2024 TMHP is currently in the process of reaching out to providers and informing them of the need to confirm their email address in the Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS). Please help by sharing this information with other HCS/TxHmL/ICF providers. Having a valid email on file with TMHP will ensure any communications sent out will go to the appropriate person or entity that would need to be made aware. Providers lacking a valid email address on file will encounter the...

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AAIDD: Annual Texas Chapter Conference 2024

May 14th, 2024 48th Annual Texas Chapter ConventionSave the Date! November 12 - 15, 2024 Location:  Grand Galvez | Galveston, TX Information For:   Registration for Attendees and Vendors as well as Hotel Room Reservation Blocks coming later this summer, so stay tuned! Grand Galvez has pleased guests worldwide for more than 100 years. Elegantly restored and tastefully modernized to welcome guests with the utmost in Gulf Coast luxury, Grand Galvez marries history with prime resort conveniences....

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Direct Care Professional Study: You Can Help By Encouraging Your DCP Staff To Take This Survey!

May 13th, 2024 Twogether Consulting would really appreciate if providers could share this with their direct staff.  Our good friend and colleague, Sergio Castillo from Life Choices Unlimited, needs your help with his doctoral project concerning Direct Care Professionals in our industry.  Please read below and the link for the survey is also included.    "Dear Provider of Services to People with IDD, Direct Care Professional/Staff or IDD Service Provider: My name is Sergio Castillo, and I...

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January 31st IDD and PI Webinar with HHSC LTCR

May 13th, 2024 IDD & PI Webinar April 30th , 2024 The April 30 recording of the Intellectual and Developmental Disability Programs (IDD) and Provider Investigations (PI) Quarterly Webinar with Long-term Care Regulation (LTCR) is available. Listen to the webinar recording. Read the IDD and PI Quarterly Webinar (PDF). Email LTCR Policy for the transcript.   January 5, 2024 IDD & PI Webinar January 31st, 2024 HHSC Long-term Care Regulation hosted a webinar for HCS, TxHmL and ICF/IID...

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Medicaid Enrollment Revalidation Process for HCS Program Providers: Update

May 2nd, 2024 On Feb. 13, the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) posted a notice for HCS program providers about completing Medicaid enrollment revalidation. HHSC is providing an update to this previous notification. Effective for all Medicaid enrollment revalidations due on or after June 1, HCS program providers must disclose and maintain all practice locations in the Provider Enrollment Management System (PEMS). The Update on Medicaid Enrollment Revalidation Process for HCS Program...

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Dyslexia Handbook 2024: Procedures for Education

April 29th, 2024 Dyslexia Handbook 2024 For Special Education Discusses procedures for educating individuals with Dyslexia and related conditions Click on the link below for a copy of the handbook.

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TED (Transition & Employment Designee) Guidelines For Students With Disabilities In Special Education Programs

April 29th, 2024 Overview of the Transition & Employment Designee (TED) What is a TED? The TED is an employee in a district or charter school who is designated as the primary contact for transition and employment services for students with disabilities in special education programs. This role is required by Texas Education Code (TEC) §29.011(b). This employee must be able to provide information and resources about effective transition planning and employment services to school staff,...

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Parents Guide To The ARD (Admission, Review, Dismissal) Process Video: Now Available in ASL

April 30th, 2024 This is an American Sign Language (ASL) version of the Parent’s Guide to the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Process. Click the previous or next arrow under the video or select a section from the playlist below. Parent's Guide to the ARD Process Playlist Click the link below to download this resource. Select Language ARD Guide English ARD Guide Spanish ARD Guide Arabic ARD Guide Bengali ARD Guide Burmese...

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2024 IDD Group Home Provider Report: Direct Support Workforce Crisis

April 24th, 2024 2024 IDD Group Home Provider Report Above you will find the updated provider survey report conducted by the 3 IDD associations to encompass system experience subsequent to the implementation of rate increases for direct care workers that became effective September 1, 2023.  This report was sent to the HHSC Executive Commissioner on April 23rd, 2024, and covers providers' experiences and challenges in delivering quality services amid the workforce crisis during the first 5...

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“Lookup Tool” Unnecessary For HCS/TxHmL Cost Reporting Accountability Report

Reminder:  April 14th, 2024- in case you missed this in March  March 11th, 2024 According to HHSC, "the process outlined below and implemented by TMHP should make the lookup tool unnecessary for cost reporting." TMHP created a claims data export process to allow HCS/TxHmL providers to access units of service information to support cost reporting. This hopefully will make the UOS lookup tool unnecessary. Texas Med Connect (TMC) users can request the Claims Data Export through TMC and will be...

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West Texas Summit Highlights Funding Challenges For IDD Community

April 14th, 2024 Permiacare and Spectrum of Solutions hosted the West Texas IDD Summit.  See comments from Spectrum of Solutions and Permiacare representatives discussing the dire state of funding for individuals with IDD in current Medicaid programs, specifically funding to pay our direct support workers.  Thank you for all you do Spectrum of Solutions and Permiacare for individuals with IDD in the community!   Please click on this video from local ABC News Channel 2 

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Watch Free IDD Webinar From TMP: “Mastering Inflation- How leveraging IDD-specific tools can save your provider agency.

April 14th, 2024 "Mastering Inflation" How leveraging IDD-specific tools can save your provider agency. Please check on this wonderful free webinar with this presentation by TMP (TaskMaster Pro) at the recent ANCOR conference and how their technology can help you.

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Provider Job Openings & Employment Opportunities: HCS/ICF/ISS

April 13th, 2024 Based on the many phone calls, emails, and contacts through our social media pages concerning employment needs and job openings in the HCS/ICF/ISS programs, we will continue to use our "Updates" page as a platform to assist providers in posting these openings and opportunities. If you contact Meghan Jones at and let her know where you are posting a position and who to contact, we can also just put a link and the contact person's name, # and/or email...

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Potential Threats: New LIDDA Requirement

April 12th, 2024 Potential Threats to Health and Safety (new). (SOW, 2.6.4.). The contract includes a new provision requiring the Authority to respond and immediately take action, as identified in correspondence from HHSC, related to Notifications of Potential Threats to Health and Safety. The procedure and actions taken must ensure the individual is seen in person within 48 hours. ***Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Services Broadcast...

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KERA News Article: Making Life-Or-Death Decisions For $10.60 An Hour

April 5th, 2024 Please see the article below which was published a few days ago, regarding the impact of the $10.60/hour direct care wage funded by the 88th Texas Legislature.  The article provides an excellent description of an IDD provider system under mounting stress due to inadequate funds to combat the relentless workforce shortage.  Note that while the article does not mention the 3 IDD associations by name, it does reference their collective efforts to secure emergency funding to...

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New MCO’s & New MCO Locations

March 14th, 2024 MCOs Awarded Contracts by STAR+PLUS Service Areas:   See the end of this communication for the MCOs awarded a contract and the service areas they will cover. Please note that not only will there will be 3 new MCOs (highlighted in yellow), but also that the service areas for some of the current MCOs are changing. Notices to Individuals regarding the Change:   According to HHSC letters were sent to STAR+PLUS members (individuals who receive their acute care and/or long-term care...

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Local Authority Contract Change: Potential Threats to Health and Safety

March 12th, 2024 Local Authority Contract Change: Potential Threats to Health and Safety (new). (SOW, 2.6.4.). The contract includes a new provision requiring the Authority to respond and immediately take action, as identified in correspondence from HHSC, related to Notifications of Potential Threats to Health and Safety. The procedure and actions taken must ensure the individual is seen in person within 48 hours. LIDDAs have requested clearer direction from HHSC as to implementation...

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Resource Sheet: Person-Centered Language From IntellectAbility

March 8th, 2024 Our friends at IntellectAbility created this wonderful tool which I think Service Coordinators, Case Managers and QIDPs will really find helpful when developing their plans for individuals in their programs.  These include Person-Directed Plans, Implementation Plans, and Individual Program Plans. Please Click this link, Person-Centered Language: Resource Sheet to learn more about this tool from Intellectability   For more about Person-Centered Training Resources from...

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New Reporting Process for ANE Reporting & Investigations for ICF/IID Program

February 28th, 2024   HHSC has begun to send out new ANE Reporting Procedure Posters to ICF providers this week.  If you do not get one, please contact  Even if you have not received your  ANE posters, please go ahead and make your posting of the new phone # for reporting allegations of Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation in the group homes and other appropriate places for your staff and individuals in your program. Please inform all staff, volunteers, individuals, and LARS of the new...

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HHSC IDD Operations Portal For Providers-2024 Update

February 23rd, 2024 Packet/Documentation Submission Details The most efficient mode of submission for HCS/TxHmL documentation is through the IDD Operations Portal. To learn how to register and use the IDD Operations Portal or for answers to any questions, please visit or email Packets may also be submitted via fax at 512-438-4249. Questions: For questions about review packets,...

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LTC Provider Bulletin Now Available

February 20th, 2024 LTC Provider Bulletin Now Available The February 2024 Long-Term Care (LTC) Provider Bulletin has been published on the LTC homepage on Visit the TMHP LTC homepage regularly for news, reminders, training opportunities, and other important program updates. For questions, see the LTC Provider Resources Guide under Reference Material.

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Links to Long-Term Care Bulletins

  See links to 2024 editions below: February 2023 LTC Provider Bulletin No. 97   See links to the 2023 editions below: May 2023 Long-Term Care (LTC) Provider Bulletin February 2023 LTC Bulletin No. 93 (456.32 KB)   Visit the TMHP LTC homepage regularly for news, reminders, training opportunities and other important program updates. For questions, see the LTC Provider Resources Guide. See links to the 2022 editions below: November 2022 Long-Term Care Bulletin No. 92 (1.2 MB)...

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Friendly Reminder To HCS/TxHmL Providers: Providing Full Array of Services

February 18th, 2024 IDD Services and PASRR want to remind local intellectual and developmental disability authorities (LIDDAs) that Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) program providers are required to provide, or obtain as needed and without delay, the array of services in the respective programs in accordance with Texas Administrative Code (TAC), specifically 26 TAC §565.11(a)(3) for HCS and 26 TAC §566.7(d)(1) for TxHmL. Program providers cannot limit the...

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Public Hearing Webcast & Presentation on Feb. 15th, 2024 (HCS/TxHmL/DBMD) Pre-Vocational & Similar Services

February 10th, 2024 Public Hearing Notice - Home and Community-based Services, Texas Home Living, and Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities Medicaid Waiver Programs Public hearing will be held on: February 15, 2024 - 2:30 pm Texas Department of State Health Services, Moreton Building Room M-100, First Floor 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756 Webcasting Available This public hearing will be webcast. Members of the public may attend the public hearing in person at the address above or...

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Beware of Suspicious Email To DAHS ISS Only Providers

January 26th, 2024   We have received information that a suspicious email claiming to be from HHSC asking providers to verify information related to their DAHS ISS Only licenses has been received by some ISS providers. The email was not sent from an HHSC email address but instead from a domain. The email directs the provider to click on a link to verify information and that the provider has 24 hours to verify or they will revoke the license. Please do not click on the...

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Entering IPC Revisions to Add Individual Skills and Socialization

January 20th, 2024 Reminder for HCS and TxHmL Providers  Concerning ISS on IPC's HCS & TxHmL program providers, and LIDDA authorities who are submitting an Individual Plan of Care (IPC) revision to add Individualized Skills and Socialization (ISS) on the IPC plan year. When entering IPC revisions, if you update the effective date in field 12a, you must click the search icon located next to the date field. This will allow the individual’s data to refresh and prepopulate from the web service...

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MillinPro Billing Software: Helping Texas IDD Providers Become More Efficient

January 18th, 2024 The Texas IDD billing process through TMHP has been burdening providers since its inception. HCS, TxHmL and ICF providers have been plagued with denied claims, decreased revenue, and inefficiencies in tracking and reporting. In this video below (Hosted by Twogether Consulting 1/18/24), Millin addresses a range of best-practice topics to help you stay on top of your Texas HCS, TxHmL and ICF billing. They share the functionality they have built into the MillinPro software and...

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TMHP Portal Town Hall Webinars And FAQ’s

HCS and TxHmL Town Hall Webinars and FAQs January 16th, 2024 November Webinar 2023 Recordings from November Townhall November 2023 – TMHP LTC Town Hall for HCS/TxHmL Providers and FMSAs Webinar (PDF) November 2023 - TMHP LTC Town Hall for HCS/TxHmL Providers and FMSAs Webinar Recording Standing Meeting Agenda Training and Information Sharing — provide relevant training and updates. November topics include: Appendix A Scenario Using “Submit Form” on IPC Renewals* Question and Answer — HCS and...

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HCS & TxHmL Webinars & FAQ’s (Recordings)

For Previously Recorded Webinars & FAQ's January 16th, 2024 Past  TMHP Town Hall & TxHmL/HCS Provider webinars- recordings from July-December 2023 December Webinar 2023 December 2023 – Individualized Skills and Socialization Training for HCS/TxHmL Providers and LIDDAs Webinar (PDF) December 2023 - Individualized Skills and Socialization Training for HCS/TxHmL Providers...

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Provider Revalidations: Important Information

January 15th, 2024 Revalidations: Important Updates When completing revalidations for HCS, providers must list all non-family operated HH locations and 3/4 bed HCS group home locations as practice locations. It would appear that TMHP is just realizing this and is contacting providers whose applications are in some stage of approval. HHSC stated that if a provider has already completed the process (and been approved) and did not include non-family operated HH and 3/4 bed group home locations,...

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Final Extension for Providers With Revalidation

January 15th, 2024 HHSC has issued one final extension for Providers with revalidation dates from May 12, 2023, until November 11, 2023, granting these providers an additional 6 months from their revalidation date to submit the request. Please be sure to check the Provider Enrollment and Management System (PEMS) for your current revalidation date. Update to Article “Provider Enrollment Revalidation Extensions to End”               After the November 11th date, providers are required to submit...

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Long-Term Care Facilities Council

January 14th, 2024 Would You Like To Be A Member of The Long-Term Care Facilities Council? Now is your chance. I would encourage providers of these services to think about being a part of the council. From HHSC: "If you’re interested in issues regarding a consistent survey and informal dispute resolution process for long-term care facilities, Medicaid quality-based payment systems for those facilities and the allocation of Medicaid beds in those facilities, you may want to apply to be a member...

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PEMS Instructional Site

January 13th, 2024 TMHP now has a Provider Enrollment Instructional Site which provides written instructions for what is required when completing any type of enrollment request including a revalidation request PEMS Instructional Site PEMS Instructional Site

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Revalidation Tools For Providers

January 13th, 2024 Revalidation Training Links to YouTube video: Revalidating An Organizational NPI Revalidating a Performing Provider TMHP also has a Provider Enrollment Instructional Site which provides written instructions for what is required when completing any type of enrollment request including a revalidation request. PEMS Instructional Site PEMS Instructional Site TMHP has also put together an Enrollment Revalidation Quick Reference Guide (QRG) that goes over the steps to get started,...

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New Critical Incident Management Reporting System: Updates

May 2nd, 2024 Critical Incident Management System Monthly Provider Demonstrations FEI Systems will host a monthly provider demonstration webinar on May 14, 2024, from 10–11 a.m. Monthly provider demonstration webinars are offered to providers with access to the Critical Incident Management System. HHSC encourages providers to take advantage of these live training opportunities. This applies to: Community Living Assistance and Support Services providers (CLASS) Deaf Blind with Multiple...

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Revision To Billing Requirements

January 7th, 2024 HHSC Publishes Revision 24-1 of the HCS and TxHmL Program Billing Requirements   Revision 24-1 is effective Jan. 1, 2024. The Billing Requirements are located on the Long-term Care Providers webpage and Handbooks webpage and are outlined below: Home and Community-based Services Program Billing Requirements (PDF) Texas Home Living Program Billing Requirements (PDF) May 1st, 2023 HHSC Publishes Revision 23-2 of the HCS and TxHmL Program Billing Requirements Just an update,...

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HCS Certification Standards Webinars & Recordings

January 2nd, 2023 New Rules Certification Standards Modules HCS/TxHmL Certification Standards Modules Anyone new to the HCS waiver program should watch these modules!  This is especially true for both new and current HCS case managers, nurses or program managers to watch these modules/recorded webinars.  They are based on the new HCS Rules: Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 26 Part I Ch 565.   These were previously known as certification principles, now these are certification...

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ISS In-Home Attendant Base Wage Rate Requirement Clarification

January 1st, 2024 ISS in-Home Attendant Base Wage Rate Requirement Clarification: There seems to be a lack of clarification in the HCS program concerning if the ISS base wage rate requirement applies to "in-home ISS".  It does apply to in-home ISS.  It would seem that most likely a significant number of providers are not aware the base wage requirement applies to in-home individualized skills and socialization (ISS) and that they are currently out of compliance.  That is because the rule...

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Cost Reporting Update!

Cost Report/Accountability Reports This notice applies to ICF/IID, HCS, TxHmL, CLASS and DBMD providers.   HHSC Notice:  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has published Information Letter (IL) 2023-44 regarding the 2023 Cost Report and 2023 or 2024 Accountability Report Training Information. Information on cost and accountability report training can be found on the Provider Finance web page. Email PFD LTSS or call (737) 867-7817 with any questions.

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Extreme Winter Weather Emergency Resources & Considerations

December 17th, 2023 HSC reminds long-term care facilities and agencies to review and update emergency plans for freezing temperatures and snow. Emergency plans for extreme weather should include the provider’s plan to address: Power loss. Water and food needs. Communication with families and staff. Staffing shortages. Sheltering in place and evacuation, as applicable. Providers must follow emergency preparedness rules and their own internal emergency preparedness policies and procedures....

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E-Health Advisory Committee Applications Due Jan. 8

December 15th, 2023 If you’re interested in health information technology, health information exchange systems, telemedicine, telehealth and home telemonitoring services issues, you may want to apply to be a member of the e-Health Advisory Committee. But act quickly as applications are due Jan. 8. Click here to learn more and apply.

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