Twogether Consulting for HCS Service Providers
Twogether Consulting has served as consultants to both HCS, TXHML, & ICF providers statewide, assisting them in areas of personnel training, quality assurance, survey and audit preparation and recovery, level of need increases, development of policies and procedures, plans of correction, billing errors and omissions. We also hold classes statewide for nurses, care coordinators, QIDP’s, program administrators, quality assurance staff, as well as “on-site only” classes for direct care.
Our On-Site Services
Our On-Site Services allow you to contract with one or more consultants to come to your facility on a one-time, an as-needed or an on-going basis. We are very flexible and are willing to customize our services to meet your agency’s needs.
Mention this website and receive a 10% discount for your initial on-site visit!
Through our on-site visits, we will be able to:
- Provide hands-on training to care coordinators, nurses, program administrators and quality assurance personnel, direct care;
- Provide quality assurance by auditing charts and other records and providing written feedback regarding errors and/or omissions along with recommendations on how to make corrections;
- Complete LON increase packets for submission to DADS;
- Assist in preparing for annual or return surveys and audits;
- Assist with HCS plans of correction;
- Identify and propose solutions for billing errors and omissions;
- Develop or refine policies and procedures, New Hire Forms and Orientation packets and customized forms for new and existing provider
- Provide resource information;
- Develop Nursing Services Policies & Protocols as well as Nursing Peer Review Process.

HCS Training Courses
We offer courses in HCS care coordination, HCS nursing, quality assurance practices and documentation training for direct care personnel.
All of our courses are designed to help individuals gain a working knowledge of the programs, develop the skills and abilities they need to meet state standards and increase efficiency in managing their caseloads.
- HCS Care Coordination & Implementation Planning
- Introduction to HCS Nursing
- Nursing Documentation & Billable Nursing Services
- RN Delegation in the HCS Program
- Completing The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment & Nursing Service Plan
- The Dynamics of HCS Documentation
- Interpretation of HCS Billing Requirements
- Survey & Billing Preparation & Quality Assurance
- Having A Successful Surveyor Interview
If you are interested in hosting a class for providers in your area please contact us. In exchange for hosting a class, your agency will receive a discount for your staff to attend.

Grow Your Business
Once you’ve cleared the hurdles of applications and licensinging, you need to grow your business by finding patients and customers.
Twogether Consutling helps both new and current providers with their marketing message and materials to ensure consumers and individuals and their families understand what you and your company are about, what sets you apart, and what areas you specialize in.
Whether you are a new provider or even a current provider and you need assistance with development of marketing material for your website or assistance with development of a company brochure, click the button below to contact us so we can get started helping you out.

What Next?
Twogether Consulting helps at every stage of starting a provider business. No matter what stage you’re in, we can help.
- Help with the application process;
- Studying for and taking provider test when your application is approved;
- Developing policies and procedures for new HCS or TXHML providers;
- Help with marketing your program, and “start-up” process.
- Assistance with Initial Admission Into HCS/TxHmL Program
- Help with Opening Group Homes In HCS Program
Click the button below and let us know what stage you’re in, and we can help you move forward.
If you have received an invoice or contract from “Twogether Consulting” for our services, or just need to make a payment online, you may make all credit card or Pay Pal payments, by clicking on the “Payment” tab under “About Us” at the top of this page. (You will see the menu drop down when you click on the tab) You will be directed to PayPal where you can enter the payment amount. You do not need a PayPal account to make a payment. Most major credit cards and debit cards as well are also accepted.
Please contact us at 512-294-8032 or, prior to making a payment using this pay now button.