February 15th, 2025

From Twogether Consulting!
Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s weekend. I feel like this month is flying by. Don’t forget we have a “Pop-Up”webinar on Feb. 21st,2025 from 1pm-3:30pm. This is especially great session for any new providers, as well as new program managers and case managers:“Care Coordination Basics: Admission, Post- Admission & Other Follow-Up Required” (HCS)
Twogether Consulting will be adding additional ICF and HCS webinars for March on the website later this week. Don’t forget we have a live 2-day training in Austin at the PPAT Office (Private Provider’s Association of Texas) for HCS Care Coordination (Case Management) on February 27th & 28th, 2025. Seating is limited, so please contact Megan Jones as soon as possible if you want to sign up. We will also be adding some live training sessions for Nurses in HCS/TxHmL programs in March in the Austin area. Look for the sessions to be posted in the near future on our home page calendars-www.twogetherconsulting.com.
If you missed the webinar for ICAP’s/IDRC’s/LON’s (ICF Program), please let us know. We do have the recorded session. We do have a variety of other pre-recorded trainings for program managers, case managers and nurses, so feel free to email us at info@twogetherconsulting.com to inquire. Let us know what areas of training you would like, to help us plan future sessions.
Please see our “Updates” section of the website for the latest news for IDD providers.
Please feel free to e-mail us or contact Meghan Jones to schedule an appointment for consultation. We have consultants available to provide consultation for HCS, TxHmL, ICF, (some CLASS as well) and we also provide some consultation for AMH-HCBS and YES Waiver. Please contact us directly for your care coordination, QIDP, and nursing needs at
info@twogetherconsulting.com or you may contact our assistant Meghan Jones at
We are happy to say that we will continue to provide whatever assistance we can with questions you may have, especially concerning HCS/TxHmL Care Coordination, Nursing, or general survey requirements from LTCR department in these programs. We continue to assist those working with the ICF/IID program as well. We are currently providing on-site live training at this time and live training is open to the public as well.
FYI-We do still provide “mentoring” assistance for program managers, case managers, and especially for nurses. We continue to provide nursing trainings and we can refer you out to our partner RN consultants, Nursing Innovations, who provide IDD nursing consultation, mentoring and/or training for HCS, TxHmL and ICF. If you have new staff or nurses who need training quicker than classes posted on the calendar, please let me know and we do offer some of our previously recorded sessions for a low cost which includes the handouts. We are happy to schedule one-on-one training sessions and mentoring with one of our consultants. We can also refer you to another resource, if more appropriate. Twogether Consulting also continues to provide assistance with applying to become an HCS/TxHmL waiver provider and we can assist with applying to become an AMH-HCBS or YES Waiver provider.
For HCS Providers who want to purchase specific services and/or
specific forms we have on our website, may go to the following link “purchase services” page. If you are having issues downloading forms, please feel free to contact us at info@twogetherconsulting.com and I will be happy to send them to you.
Thank you,
Julie Blacklock/ Owner & IDD Waiver Consultant