Taskmaster Pro Updates-Part II “Comprehensive Nursing Assessment”
Date: January 28th, 2014
Time: Noon-1:30 PM
QA Session from 1:15pm – 1:30pm
You must be a Current TMP user to attend webinar! This is not a Demo.
For: Nurses, Medical Assistants/Staff, Program Directors
Webinar will be via “Go To Meeting”
Instructions for the webinar and training handouts will be sent to your email, after payment is made online.
Comprehensive Nursing Assessment component added to the Taskmaster Pro as well as the current “RN Nursing Review” and how this will be incorporated into to the CNA. Discussion of different parts of the CNA, such as the Nursing Service Plan objectives and ways to effectively implement the objectives by use of the TMP, Health Status Review as needed, Special Needs and how and where these can be integrated into other areas of the TMP. Review of Client Daily Schedule function for those of you who may not be familiar with it and how it can help you to be more effective in your nursing.
[paypal_button type=”paynow” amount=”20″ email=”javasbja@aol.com” name=”TASKMASTER PRO-Changes To The RN Delegation Feature & Other Recent Updates”]
You must contact Julie Blacklock at: javasbja@aol.com to register and for any additional information or you may contact me by phone at: (512) 294-8032
***If you are not a current user, but would like a demo to see if you are interested in purchasing Taskmaster Pro “cloud-based” services, please contact Julie Blacklock.