June 16, 2015 @ 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
"Tarrant County MHMR"
1300 Circle Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76119
Meghan Jones

Error on previous phone # for Meghan that was emailed.  Please see correction further down on the page below

Day 1 (June 16th, 2015) – 8:30am – 4:30pm

Location: “Tarrant County MHMR-Circle Dr. Location”  MH900312726-nurse

(Contact Meghan Jones for more information about hotels in the area)

Class held in: Conference Room

  • Instructor:  Gina Peterson, RN Consultant & Julie Blacklock/IDD Consultant
  • No CNE’s for this session


Scope of practice (RN vs. LVN) and Responsibilities of the nurse for the HCS & TXHmL programs. Review of the RN Nursing Assessment (RN Comprehensive Nursing Assessment/CNA), Nursing Service Plans, Justification for Nursing Services, the Role of the Client’s Responsible Adult (CRA), and the Unlicensed Person (UP/staff), RN Delegations, Human Resource Code Ch. 161/SB1857, and HH/FC Exemptions. the new Nurse Screening Tool Utilized By The Provider in both HCS and TXHmL. Discussion of Survey & BON Expectations and Policies & Procedures you need to have in place now. **Developing the Nursing Section of the Implementation Plan. Review of Billable Nursing Services. Review of the Suggested CNA forms (Nursing Tool Box) from DADS. You will also receive a variety of Sample Forms you may need to utilize for Nursing/Medical in your program.  Common Nursing Citations during Survey!

Whether you are a brand new nurse, a seasoned HCS nurse, a Program Director, etc… there is something for everyone who attends! *All attendees will receive a manual with handouts, recommended forms, and resources.

For: Nurses, Medical Appt. Scheduler’s, Program Administrators, Program Directors, & other Medical Staff

Applicable Programs: HCS & TXHmL

*Be sure that you let the people at the front desk that you are attending nurse training presented by Twogether Consulting.

Download Agenda  Below:

 Expectations of Nursing in HCS Program-Agenda-Ft. Worth-061615

[paypal_button type=”paynow” amount=”275″ email=”javasbja@aol.com” name=”Nursing Expectations In The HCS Program”]

You must contact Meghan Jones at: meghanjones.tx@gmail.com  or call:  361-649-5104  to complete registration.  Even if you are paying online you must contact her to provide the following information:   the names of persons attending, the name of your facility, and how you are making your payment.

Please register early-Limited seating!  After June 12th, 2015 cost of class is $300!

If you have more questions about the class or other services from Twogether Consulting you may contact Julie Blacklock by phone at: (512) 294-8032.  **If you are not paying for the class online, you may send checks to:  Twogether Consulting 2703 Gee St. Austin, TX 78745
