Day 1 (June. 5th) – 9:00am – 4:00pm Conference Room
Topics: This class will focus on changes in the nursing services for ICF, HCS and TXHmL. This session will review RN Nursing Assessments (RN Comprehensive Nursing Assessments), Nursing Service Plans, the Role of the Client’s Responsible Adult, and the Unlicensed Assistive Person (staff), RN Delegations, SB1857, and FC Exemptions. the new Nurse Screening Tool Utilized By The SC/LA for HCS and TXHmL. Discussion of Survey Expectations now. Review of the Suggested CNA forms from DADS. *All attendees will receive a binder with handouts, recommended forms, and resources.
For: Nurses, Medical Appt. Scheduler’s, Program Administrators, Program Directors, & other Medical Staff
Some Applicable Programs: ICF/IID, HCS, & TXHmL
*Early Registration ended on 5/28/13.
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You must contact Julie Blacklock at: to register and for information on hotels nearby or you may contact me by phone at: (512) 294-8032 **If you are not paying for the class online, you may send checks to: Twogether Consulting 2703 Gee St. Austin, TX 78745