Presented by: Dion White (AAIDD Texas Chapter Board Member)
Twogether Consulting is pleased to have Dion White from the Texas State Chapter Of The American Association On Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) as our presenter in May. Dion White is our main guest presenter for our free resources webinar this May. Dion will share information and insights into the current status of some of the important IDD issues being reviewed this legislative session. This session is directed to LIDDAs (Local IDD Authorities), IDD service providers (HCS, TxHmL, ICF), as well as family members and individuals with IDD.
Mr. White has spent quite a few years advocating on the part of providers and individuals receiving IDD services with both Texas Council of Developmental Disabilities as well as the LIDDA he works for “Center For Life Resources” in Brownwood, Tx. Some of the areas Dion will touch on are: current rates for direct support staff, when rate increases may go into effect, rate increases requested for other services (i.e. nursing, CFC, ISS…), and much more.
In addition, Carey Amthor, President of AAIDD Texas Chapter, will discuss the 2024 convention as well as what to expect from the upcoming convention in Corpus Christi, Tx, this September, 2025. Carey will also review the benefits and incentives of AAIDD membership, both nationally and as a Texas Chapter member, you may not be aware of. We are honored to have Dion and Carey as our guest presenters for May!
Free Webinar Series Hosted By: Twogether Consulting
Presented By Dion White: “Snapshot of IDD Issues In The Current Legislative Session”
Pre-Registration is required, click on the “Registration” button below to attend this free webinar and complete pre-survey questions!!
(Tentative: Subject to Change Between Now and May While Tx Legislature In Session)
-Rider 23 Status- Direct Support Staff Wage Rates
-Other Possible Areas of Rate Increase: Nursing, CFC, ISS, Admin…
– Article II Proposed Rider Status- Data Collection to Assess Financial Stability of Certain Medicaid Long-Term Care Providers
About Our Main Presenter…
Dion White, MBA, FAAIDD: CEO of The Center For Life Resources, Board Member: AAIDD Texas Chapter, Board Member: Texas Council For Developmental Disabilities, & Legislative Advocate
Dion White has been the CEO of “The Center For Life Resources” in Brownwood, Texas since 2010. Dion is an active member of AAIDD since 2003. Dion attended Wayland Baptist University in Plainview, Texas on a track scholarship, graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s of Business Administration. Dion began his career with Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities in 1991 in Plainview and after 19 years hr assumed the position of Executive Director at Central Texas MHMR dba Center for Life Resources in Brownwood. With 32 years of experience and leadership that is based on principles of empathy, compassion, integrity, and dignity, his objective for the Center is to help individuals reach their dreams and have a self-fulfilling life.
As of January 11th, 2022, Dion was selected as 1 of 7 persons promoted to “Fellow of The American Association of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities” (FAAIDD). This distinction is an incredibly high honor awarded by a committee of leaders in AAIDD. “AAIDD promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”
About Our Other Presenter…
Carey Amthor: Chief Program Officer at “Friends For Life” in Waco, Texas
Carey is the Chief Program Officer of the non-profit organization “Friends For Life” in Waco, Texas. Carey is also the newly elected President of the AAIDD Texas Chapter. ” Friends for Life is a 501(c)(3) charity that was founded in Waco, Texas, in September of 1989 to improve the quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities, particularly those who are without family to care for them. Friend for Life provides support systems and services that empower seniors and people with disabilities to live their best lives as independently as possible.” Some of the services they provide are adult day care, money management, guardianship, and life skills training.
To be added at a later date:
or Visit our website: and click on the Free Webinar calendar
Contact Information:
Dion White
Website Resources:
or Visit our website: and click on the Free Webinar calendar
If you need help with completing the registration and for any additional information you must contact:
Meghan Jones at:
You may contact Meghan by phone at: (361) 649-5104