Presented by: LaShonda Dennis with Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC
Located in Dallas, Texas, but available to assist providers statewide!
LaShonda Dennis, one of the partners of Pegue-Dennis as well as CPA, has numerous years of experience working with IDD waiver programs and ICF programs in the state of Texas. Twogether Consulting is happy to have LaShonda Dennis, CPA and part owner of Dennis-Pegue CPA PC, with us today to discuss her firm’s services that can most benefit providers of IDD services. She assists providers with not only general accounting needs but is an expert in cost reports for these specific Medicaid programs and often helps many of the new providers in the field with setting up their business entity and accounting needs for their new businesses. We are honored to have her as our free resource presenter for the month of July.
Free Webinar Series Hosted By: Twogether Consulting
Presented By Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC: “Beyond The Basic Certified Public Accounting Firm”
Pre-Registration is required, click on the “Registration” button below to attend this free webinar and complete pre-survey questions!!
About Our Presenter…..
La Shonda M. Dennis, CPA
La Shonda M. Dennis, CPA is the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC a DFW-based boutique certified public accounting firm whose passion is the success and prosperity of our clients. La Shonda brings 28 years in diverse tax, financial, and business consulting experience to her role as a Certified Public Accountant and currently serves as a Fractional CFO for service organizations in need of executive financial leadership on an interim or contracted long-term basis. For small to medium-sized businesses, La Shonda has expertise in providing comprehensive accounting services, including individual, corporate, partnership, and exempt organization income tax returns, tax planning, IRS representation, startup business consulting, personal finance coaching, TX Medicaid/Medicare cost report preparation & advisory, TMHP Analytics Reporting as well as overall client advisory services.
Prior to launching Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC in 2013, La Shonda held positions with local and national organizations such as Dean Foods, Luminant Power (formerly TXU) and Mohawk Flooring.
Education, Professional Memberships & CPA Licenses
La Shonda is an active member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants & National Society of Black CPAs. She is licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in Texas and Arkansas. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration-Accounting degree from The University of Arkansas-Fayetteville. La Shonda advocates for small and minority-owned businesses and donates fractional CFO services to local non-profit organizations.
or Visit our website: and click on the Free Webinar calendar
Presenter: LaShonda Dennis, CPA (Partner)
Click to Schedule: Quick Chat with LaShonda
Virtual: Client Meeting(s) In Person: Client Meeting(s) Virtual: Prospective Client Meeting(s)
L.M. Dennis, CPA
Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC
“A Certified Public Accounting Firm”
1320 Prudential Drive|Dallas, TX|75235
469.708.4CPA Office1
214.559.6900 Office2
469.336.6020 SMS/Text Website
or Visit our website: and click on the Free Webinar calendar
If you need help with completing the registration and for any additional information you must contact:
Meghan Jones at:
You may contact Meghan by phone at: (361) 649-5104