Presented by: Nicole Wilson, CEO/App Creator, with Everyday Living
Nicole Wilson, CEO, holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Services and a Master’s of Science in Juvenile Forensic Psychology. With over 25 years of experience in Mental Health and working with individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and/or Related Conditions along with placement agencies and facilities. Mrs. Wilson takes great pride in ensuring that each person is given the opportunity to live EVERYDAY happy and comfortable.
Free Webinar Series Hosted By: Twogether Consulting
“Presented By Everyday Living: A Placement & Resource App For Providers, Individuals, HH/CC Providers”
Pre-Registration is required, click on the “Registration” button below to attend this free webinar and complete pre-survey questions!!
Twogether Consulting is happy to have Nicole Wilson, the CEO, and creator of an amazing app that will help both individuals and their guardians or family members as well as providers with finding placement in a residential setting and in tracking their progress. This app is also for persons finding alternative placements besides ICF and HCS programs. You may need placement for nursing home or assisted living or possibly personal care homes as well and much more. Nicole’s app also helps with connecting individuals and providers to necessary resources concerning placement and keeps all parties informed during the process. Nicole will discuss some of the solutions they offer providers of services as well as individuals seeking placement and how they can keep up with the progress of this placement process. This session may be of particular interest to those of you who are ICF or HCS providers or persons interested in providing host home/companion care services who may be looking for individuals who want to be placed in your home/s.
From Nicole:
Why I created the App:
“In my 15 years as a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) provider, the question was, how could I make it easier for families to find quality homes for their loved ones, providers to display their resources, and caseworkers to access a network of providers? The answer came in the form of technology: an innovative app that could bridge the gap and facilitate connections within the mental health industry.
This app was designed to simplify the process of finding and accessing mental health resources. It allows families to find quality homes for their loved ones with just a few clicks, and providers and caseworkers to display their resources, access a provider network, and receive referrals conveniently. The app bridges the gap between individuals, families, providers, and resources, effectively addressing the issues that once hampered the efficiency of Provider Fairs. Its design considers the diverse needs of its users, providing a solution that is not only convenient but also affordable.”
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Nicole Wilson
CEO & App Creator
P: 832.725.8275
More About Nicole:
Nicole Wilson, founded Anointed Caring Homes, an HCS Program that provided comprehensive care to individuals in need, in 2006. With a strong passion for mental health and a commitment to improving lives, Wilson grew and scaled the business, eventually selling it. However, her journey in the mental health industry was far from over, as she recognized that there was still so much more that could be done to improve the lives of those struggling with finding resources. With that in mind, Wilson decided to take her knowledge and experience to the tech industry, aiming to break barriers and revolutionize the way mental health resources are accessed.
Info from the website!
“Everyday Living is a revolutionary resource integration app that provides access to resources anytime, anywhere. With a few clicks on your mobile device, you can easily access and manage the services you need.”
Everyday Living is a state-of-the-art Resource App
with a mission to improve the quality of human life
to those persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and/or related conditions, Senior Adults
and anyone looking for a great home with the utmost
dignity and respect by providing services and support
that meet their needs and allow them to live in the
least restrictive environment in efforts to maintain their independence by connecting you with Group Home, Foster Home, Residential Treatment Center, Personal
Care Home and/or Assisted Living Facility options
and resources conveniently located near you.
Providing assistance, resources, and care for individuals and families in transition
“With our platform, you can navigate through various providers and agencies and communicate with AI technology to help you achieve the answers, information, and peace of mind you deserve.”
Achieve peace of mind with AI technology

With Secure Authentication
By providing an easy-to-use platform with secure authentication, Everyday Living allows users to manage their resources in a safe and efficient manner. We ensure that all information is kept secure and private.
Our app offers AI-powered communication tools that allow users to easily connect with providers about their loved one’s well-being.
Our AI system can analyze data from multiple sources and provide personalized advice and feedback that helps people make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices.
or Visit our website: and click on the Free Webinar calendar
If you need help with completing the registration and for any additional information you must contact:
Meghan Jones at:
You may contact Meghan by phone at: (361) 649-5104