HCS and TxHmL Town Hall Webinars and FAQs

January 16th, 2024

November Webinar 2023

Recordings from November Townhall

Standing Meeting Agenda

  • Training and Information Sharing — provide relevant training and updates.
    • November topics include:
      • Appendix A Scenario
      • Using “Submit Form” on IPC Renewals*

Question and Answer — HCS and TxHmL Providers and FMSAs will have the opportunity to ask questions** regarding the LTC Online Portal for HCS and TxHmL.


October Webinar 2023

September Webinar 2023

In case you missed the Town Hall Webinar from Sept. 13th, here are the links to the handouts

Presentation Handout

Provider Quick Reference Contact List (HCS/TxHmL) Update 091323

Panelists: • Ashley Wechsler –Program Eligibility and Support (PES) •Holly Lindsey –Utilization Review (UR) •Marie Redman –Provider Claims Services (PCS) • Rhonda Kay Richie –Local Procedure Development and Support (LPDS) • Kali Schmidt –Contract Administration & Provider Monitoring (CAPM) • Rick Bishop –Claims Management • Amy Aubin –Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Policy Unit • Joan Workman –HHSC Information Technology (IT) •Depesh Shah -Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership (TMHP)

Some of The Topics Discussed Included:

-Fiscal Year 2023 Year-End Closeout Process (CARE) & The Process For Closeout in LTC

-Claims Processing Update and Claims Overlapping With IPC’s

-Claims Data Export: How to Remove Duplicate Lines

-Suspensions, Terminations (In particular- screens/forms in TMHP for LIDDA and the Provider that need to be completed)

-How to Use Pivot Tables in Excel  (There are training videos on Youtube for Pivot Tables and it is suggested that providers watch these videos.  My understanding is that these tables may help some with cost reporting data that is needed)

-Requesting Inactivation

-Improvements to the phone system, including the Automated Inquiry System(AIS) as of Sept. 5th, 2023 and updated Contact List For TMHP

FYI- Trending Issues: Upcoming YoutubeTraining Video –Claims DATA Export will come out on September 18th, 2023

Some of the things that will be covered are: •How to convert the Claims Data Export file to a workable file. •Highlight some of the relevant data you can use. •Show how to work with the data.


August Webinar 2023

A recording of the Aug. 9 TMHP LTC Town Hall for HCS/TxHmL Providers and FMSAs webinar is available for those who could not attend. The webinar recording and slides have been posted to the HCS and TxHmL Webinars & FAQs webpage.

Listen to the webinar here.

Email TxHmL Policy for questions.


  • Volume 22 and 23 additions
  • Span billing across IPC billings
  • Claims Data Export
  • Correction to overall enhancements (not RNS)
  • Revision and renewal IPCs
  • Clarification of Pending DADS Review Notification


July 24th, 2023

The July 12 recording of the TMHP LTC Portal Town Hall Webinar for HCS Providers, TxHmL Providers and FMSAs is now available. Topics included:

  • Trending Issues
  • Individual Movement Forms
  • Provider Location Updates
  • IPC Transfers

The June 14 recording of the TMHP LTC Portal Town Hall Webinar is also available. Topics included:

  • Trending Issues
  • Release 2 Enhancements
  • Navigating the TMHP website
  • Entering PC3s
  • Adding and Removing CDS Services

Visit HCS/TxHmL Webinars and FAQs for more details.

Contact HCS and TxHmL with any questions.


June 14th, 2023

May Webinar 2023

April Webinar 2023

March Webinar 2023

February Webinar 2023

January Webinar 2023

December Webinar 2022

November Webinar 2022

HCS and TxHmL Rules Update and Site Assessments of 3-Person Residences, 4-Person Residences, and Host Home/Companion Care Settings Webinar

October Webinar 2022

January 16th, 2023

Helpful Information:  From TMHP Portal Town Hall Meeting on 1/11/23

-A representative from one of the LIDDAs  (Alamo Area Council of Governments) relayed the following information:

  1. If an individual moves from one LIDDA to another (LIDDA to LIDDA transfer) and they are going to new HCS or TxHmL provider, the old LIDDA has to do INT form 1st and then the new LIDDA has to do the transfer to the new provider.  These things must happen in this order, or it will hold things up in your transfer.
  2. One of the major problems the LIDDA’s have is that the LOCATION code is being changed by the system (a glitch of some sort in TMHP) and then it is greyed out by the system so they can’t put anything in that spot where location code goes.  They can’t edit it to correct it. This has caused many of the delays in transfers and this is why alot of providers might be thinking the LIDDA is causing the delay.  However, that may not be the case because of this issue.  Good news: Enhancement to allow the LIDDA to type in location code instead of grey out barrier. This is happening Friday Jan. the 13th.  This should provide a resolution to this “glitch” in the system.  Hopefully, it will allow a lot of transfers to go through.  This problem has been happening since April of 2022 for LIDDA’s.
  3. FYI-HHSC sent out a letter to LiDDAS, that they should not hold up on transfers if the location code is not correct.  They can then contact HHSC about correcting the location code after the fact.


-In some situations, if the LIDDA itself is not changing during the transfer (transfer from one provider to another, but LIDDA the same), then the provider needs to make the changes on the IMT form before the -LIDDA can submit.  They have to complete the process in that order before the transfer can be submitted.  Meaning the previous form must be done before the new form should be completed.

-One of the HCS providers shared the following information:  Somewhat related to location codes.  She was closing a couple of location codes after the home was no longer open.  Noticing that the drop-down list is out of sync.  She would put in the address of the new location and go to close the old location code and the drop-down link showed a different address for the location being closed out than it should.  It is like it is out of sync.   This fix happening this Friday should also fix that for the provider. Basically using right code but the wrong address is showing up in the dropdown menu’s.  Referring to PLU system.

-If providers are experiencing any delays with LIDDA not submitting any forms they are required to submitted. Please try to resolve that by escalating that to LIDDA director, so HHSC says they want you to then send an email to interestlistpreenroll_liddahelp@hhs.texas.gov.  then they can reach out to them directly.

To escalate tickets:  Email. LTCOPS-Escalations@TMHP.com to escalate tickets

-Another provider noted the following issue: When they migrated to TMHP, somehow their contract address was now incorrect.  The provider’s company name was no longer associated with the right contract #.  It is not something the provider did on their side. So far, they have had no luck in changing that address to the correct address for their contract #.  Provider information update.  They will need to check it on the provider system data to find out.  Contract and Administration and Monitoring will have to help with the correction of the error.  This is also the case if providers have questions about a contract’s begin and end date, or when it expires, etc.. Go to the contract manager. HHSC acknowledges that there has been alot of turnover in this department.  (Don’t I know it, lol.)  Information provided by Kaliope Schmidt was to do the following: Go to iddwaivercontractenrollment@hhsc.state.tx.us and cc Kaliopi.schmidt@hhs.texas.gov

One Provider had a Transfer since May of 2022 that hasn’t gone through because the old provider’s address is showing on the location since transferring, so it does not match the contract of the new provider. Hopefully, the fix will come from the Friday the 13th, 2023 enhancement. 

Client assignment question:  In the CARE system, this was done differently than in THMP so has caused a domino effect.  i.e. Individual on temp discharge, would be re-assign to a different temp discharge location code.  The local authority wanted her back into rotation. …….  We can’t view who is assigned to what location on what date, so couldn’t figure out how to move people sometimes.  People at the help desk don’t even know how to look up people’s locations and assignments.  What can we do? 

To do that in the portal for now until June 2023, when they will have an enhancement out to correct this issue, providers must use the form status inquiry page (FSI) you can search for the consumer’s forms by imputing their Identifier (Medicaid or CARE #) and put in with search criteria.  Leave the form blank but put in the date range or a little bit longer time if needed and search that.  In the list should receive list of forms for the consumer for your organization.  The effective date on the forms, if you click it, the system will show the list by effective date and which code has the latest effective date, and then that form as the latest location code.  But won’t help unless the form is completed already.  Location availability information is limited. The provider has to keep trying to look up everything in a fashion that seems long and very backward.  It is the opposite of what the provider needs.  It ends up being the longest way to look if up.  The provider asked if they would create something in their June enhancement, that shows the moves of a person, hoping to build the function to search the function by location, what client is with them. 

-If on temp discharge is the individual still assigned a code from the facility or a new code form (IMT suspension purpose code form)?  Because the provider currently has to wait for the suspension form to finish the process so it is considered complete before they can do anything. How long does that usually take?  Ask CARE people to get back to you.

-Another provider said they can’t do IMF form til the Residential component is changed but can’t change the residential component until IMF changed.  Moving from 1 location to the other inside the same agency.  Moving from HH/CC to RSS.  So, when they try to change the residential type, it won’t let her progress from there in TMHP.  Provider needs to submit IPC revision to change residential type.  Then at the same time on that revision form, then the location code is updated for you to update IMF automatically. Don’t need to do the IMT, just the IPC revision form to change the residential type and location code.  That changes the residential component type, submit IPC revision or transfer if that is the case. 

-How do you know what claims to pay when you get your overpayment letter? To request a list, please contact the  THMP-LTC Help desk at 1-800-626-4177 or 1-800-626-5436 (Option #1  then Option #7). The provider will need to provide a secure email for them to send the list. Should get within 24 hrs.  Can also go to your Tex Med connect and remittance status screens.

HHSC asked providers to limit ISS questions at this time, but here is one that came up during the session:

-In-Home ISS come March 1st, 2023-does the provider need to submit documentation like BCBA documentation or medical/physician’s order of need, before it is entered into TMHP billing?  Anything the provider needs to be prepared for?  They have to go back and find out about it.  Don’t know now.


Other Important Contacts:

Issues that go to UR (Utilization Review): • 8578 ID/RC form with purpose code 3 or 4 on the LTC Online Portal  • Renewal or revision IPCs

Utilization Review (UR)
512-438-5055  email:  deskURLONIPC@hhs.texas.gov

Issues that go to PES (Program Enrollment Services)  • 8578 ID/RC with a purpose code 2 forms * initial or transfer IPCs forms • Suspensions • 3615 Continuation of Suspension forms • 3616 Request for Termination forms • Individual Movement (IMT) forms for LA Reassignments

Program Eligibility and Support (PES)
