October 17th, 2024

Please be sure to provide education about voting, if needed as well as opportunities for your individuals to vote. Twogether Consulting recommends checking out the “My Voter Portal” at the Secretary of State’s website before voting to look for your voting location and to ensure an individual is still registered, as the individual may not be registered anymore if they have moved for example.  FYI, the voter registration deadline ended on Oct. 7th, 2024.  Information on services for voting available to persons with disabilities can be found at: https://www.votetexas.gov/mobile/voter-with-special-needs.htm

Here is the information on dates for absentee and general voting deadlines
Absentee ballot deadlines
Voting deadlines

Important Action You Can Take With Your Individuals

If you need assistance in registering to vote, have questions regarding voting or feel that any of your voting rights have been violated, please contact:

Disability Rights Texas
2222 West Braker Lane
Austin, Texas 78758
1-888-796-VOTE (8683)

Texas Secretary of State
P.O. Box 12060
Austin, Texas 78711-2060
512-463-5650 or 1-800-252-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 512-475-2811; TTY: 7-1-1
Texas Secretary of State website