HHSC Launches Individualized Skills and Socialization Portal Information Page
HHSC launched a new Individualized Skills and Socialization Services Provider Portal. This new portal allows providers access to information on Individualized Skills Socialization services. Including:
- Complete and review trainings.
- Find and review provider letters and other information and releases.
- Link to rules and other services.
IDD Systems Redesign Committee (SRAC) Agenda from January 27th, 2022
See link below or read the section below. The webcast recording is available below:
“Texas Penal Code Section 46.03(a)(14) states: “A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly possesses or goes with a firearm, location-restricted knife, club, or prohibited weapon listed in Section 46.05(a) … in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held, if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code, and if the entity provided notice as required by that chapter.”
Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing the Health and Human Services Commission, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Health and the Human Services Commission is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Section 46.15(o), prohibiting firearms and other weapons prohibited under Section 46.03, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting.
This meeting will be webcast. Members of the public may attend the meeting in person at the address above or access a live stream of the meeting at https://texashhsmeetings.org/HHSWebcast. Select the tab for the Winters Public Hearing Room Live on the date and time for this meeting. Please e-mail Webcasting@hhsc.state.tx.us
if you have any problems with the webcasting function.
This meeting will also be conducted via videoconference call in accordance with the requirements of Section 551.127, Government Code. The member of the Committee presiding over the meeting will be physically present at the location specified above.
Attendees who would like to provide public comment should see the Public Comment section below.
- Welcome and introductions
- Consideration of November 2, 2021, draft meeting minutes
- American Rescue Plan Act update
- House Bill 4, 87th Legislature, Regular Session (2021)
- Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) settings updates
- Statewide Transition Plan;
- HCBS settings rules;
- Individualized Skills and Socialization rules
- Day Habilitation and other Covid flexibilities
- Electronic visit verification
- IDD-SRAC recommendations
- IDD-SRAC subcommittee updates
- Public comment
- Review of action items and agenda items for next meeting
- Adjourn
Public Comment: The HHSC welcomes public comments pertaining to topics related to any agenda items noted above. Members of the public who would like to provide public comment may choose from the following options:
- Oral comments provided virtually: Members of the public must pre-register to provide oral comments virtually during the meeting by completing a Public Comment Registration form at https://texashhsmeetings.org/IDDSRAC_PCReg_Jan2022 no later than 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Please mark the correct box on the Public Comment Registration form and provide your name, either the organization you are representing or that you are speaking as a private citizen, and your direct phone number. If you have completed the Public Comment Registration form, you will receive an email the day before the meeting with instructions for providing virtual public comment. Public comment is limited to three minutes. Each speaker providing oral public comments virtually must ensure their face is visible and their voice audible to the other participants while they are speaking. Each speaker must state their name and on whose behalf they are speaking (if anyone). If you pre-register to speak and wish to provide a handout before the meeting, please submit an electronic copy in accessible PDF format that will be distributed by HHS staff to IDD-SRAC members and State staff. Handouts are limited to two pages (paper size: 8.5” by 11”, one side only). Handouts must be emailed to IDD_SRAC@hhsc.state.tx.us immediately after pre-registering, but no later than 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 25, 2022, and include the name of the person who will be commenting. Do not include health or other confidential information in your comments or handouts. Staff will not read handouts aloud during the meeting, but handouts will be provided to IDD-SRAC members and State staff.
- Written comments: Members of the public may provide written public comments by completing a Public Comment Registration form at https://texashhsmeetings.org/IDDSRAC_PCReg_Jan2022. A member of the public who wishes to provide written public comments must email the comments to IDD_SRAC@hhsc.state.tx.us no later than 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 25, 2022. Please include your name and the organization you are representing or that you are speaking as a private citizen. Written comments must be emailed to HHSC immediately after pre-registering and include the name of the person who will be commenting. Written comments are limited to two pages (paper size: 8.5” by 11”, one side only). Do not include health or other confidential information in your comments. Staff will not read written comments aloud during the meeting, but comments will be provided to IDD-SRAC members and State staff.
- Oral comments provided in-person at the meeting location: Members of the public may provide oral public comment during the meeting in person at the meeting location either by pre-registering using the form above or without pre-registering by completing a form at the entrance to the meeting room. Do not include health or other confidential information in your comments.
Note: These procedures may be revised at the discretion of HHSC.
Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Beren Dutra, Advisory Committee Liaison, Medicaid and CHIP Services, at 512-438-4329, IDD_SRAC@hhsc.state.tx.us.
Persons who want to attend the meeting and require assistive technology or services should contact Dutra at 512-428-4329 or IDD_SRAC@hhsc.state.tx.us at least 72 hours before the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.”
HCS, TxHmL, ICF, DH Providers: Your Comments & Virtual Testimony Concerning The Transition From DH to ISS (Individualized Skills and Socialization Services) Are Needed!
#5 on the agenda starts at 1:50 pm and ends at 2:50 pm., so depending on the length of discussion on agenda #5 items, public comment should begin around 2:50 p.m.
January 21st, 2022
Update on Statewide Transition Plan
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) require states to submit a transition plan describing their planned initiatives and activities to achieve compliance with the federal HCBS Settings Rule.
Since 2014, HHSC has submitted four iterations of its statewide transition plan (STP) to CMS for review; however, CMS has not yet approved the STP. Previous iterations of the STP are posted on HHSC’s website.
HHSC is in the process of revising the STP in response to CMS feedback on the previous submission. The updated STP will be posted for a 30-day public comment period in early 2022. HHSC will review public comments and revise the STP, as appropriate, before submitting the updated version to CMS.
HHSC LTCR Individualized Skills and Socialization Services Webinar
HHSC invites Home and Community-based Services, Texas Home Living, Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities, Home and Community Support Services Agency, and other providers to attend the Long-term Care Regulation Individualized Skills and Socialization Services Webinar.
Those using Internet Explorer may have difficulties registering for the webinar. If so, try using another browser, such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
Jan. 26
3–4 p.m.
Register for the webinar.
HHSC Message: We have extended the deadline to provide informal comments on the Medicaid Individualized Skills and Socialization rules until January 14, 2022. The date has been updated on the HHSC rules at: Comment on Proposed & Draft Rules | Texas Health and Human Services. We know there is concern about simultaneous review of the draft Medicaid Individualized Skills and Socialization and the Long-Term Care Regulatory (LTCR) licensing rules. As you know, we are at the beginning of the public comment process. The timeline for the Medicaid rules targets a May Medical Care Advisory Committee (MCAC) presentation. The draft LTCR rules will be available for review while the Medicaid/CHIP rules are still in the proposal phase. This will allow for feedback during the formal proposal period and give all stakeholders an opportunity to request changes to the Medicaid rules based on review of the draft LTCR rules.
Deadline for Informal Comments on HHS Draft ISS Rules Due January 14, 2022
Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) is accepting comments from stakeholders on the following draft rules.
The comment period ends January 14, 2022.
- Title 26, Chapter 262, Subchapter J, concerning Individualized Skills and Socialization in TXHML
- Title 26, Chapter 263, Subchapter L, concerning Individualized Skills and Socialization in HCS
Comment on Proposed & Draft Rules | Texas Health and Human Services
Questions can be emailed to HHS Rules Coordination Office.
In order to implement the registry and monitoring requirements outlined in the Home and Community-based Settings regulation in time to comply with the March 17, 2023 deadline, LTCR must utilize existing data systems and procedures for intake and compliance monitoring. The need to use existing data systems and current regulatory processes resulted in the decision to develop a subcategory of Day Activity and Health Services licensure for Individualized Skills and Socialization providers. This allows the providers to be tracked through the license application process and LTCR can establish rules governing how Individualized Skills and Socialization providers will be monitored under the license to ensure compliance with the Home and Community-based Settings regulations. Individualized skills and socialization providers can expect a $75.00 licensing fee, which is good for three years.
The provider letter can be found here: https://www.hhs.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/PL2021-42.pdf
My staff, are happy to present on this with colleagues from LTCR at the February 8th meeting. We are also planning to attend the next full IDD SRAC meeting along with LTCR staff to discuss the guidance issued on December 10th. My staff have drafted Medicaid rules for Individualized Skills and Socialization that will soon be published for informal comment. We will be sure to send the link to the draft rules to the IDD SRAC committee members and will also discuss the draft rules at the full IDD SRAC meeting and your subcommittee on February 8th. LTCR will have separate rules for Individualized Skills and Socialization providers and we will ensure your awareness when LTCR rules are open for comment.”