September 1st, 2024

From Twogether Consulting!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful extended weekend this Labor Day!  Lots of good stuff happening.  Please check out our “Updates” section of the website for the latest news for IDD providers.

Twogether Consulting would like to welcome back Kevin Kirkpatrick from Guardian Pharmacy as a presenter for our “Free Resources Webinar Series” that we will be hosting on September 17th, 2024.  In October, Ricardo Ortega from ICareManager will be our “Free Resources Webinar” presenter on October 17th, 2024 from noon-1pm.  The information is currently posted on our website calendar and the ICareManager free session will be posted in the next few days. You may register by clicking on the calendar and then the “REGISTRATION” button. Please continue to check our website calendars at for the date of this webinar and for more information concerning Guardian Pharmacy and their upcoming webinar hosted by Twogether Consulting. 

 Twogether Consulting will be a vendor at the PPAT (Private Providers Association of Texas) conference this week.  Come by and meet me at our booth.  This year’s session is  Sept. 4th-6th, 2024 in Austin, Tx.  Please don’t miss all the great topics for information sessions for HCS, TxHmL, ICF and ISS providers.

In October & November of 2024 we have several other conferences for IDD Providers:  PACSTX (Providers Alliance For Community Services of Texas) has their conference Oct. 1st-3rd, 2024 in San Marcos, Tx and the Texas Chapter of AAIDD (American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) will have their conference Nov. 12th-15th, 2024 in Galveston. Information and registration for these events are posted in this newsletter.


Twogether Consulting has several webinars posted for September already and we are working on October as well.  Webinars posted on the Home Page of the website now are:

HCS/TxHmL New Provider Training: “Now I Got My Contract. What Do I Do?” Part I  September 11th, 2024

HCS/TxHmL New Provider Training: “Now I Got My Contract. What Do I Do?” Part II  September 18th, 2024

Developing The Implementation Plan Using Person-Centered Practices (Short Version) HCS/TxHmL   (Includes a review of completing the IPC (Form 3608)  September 19th, 2024


 Please feel free to e-mail us or contact Meghan Jones to schedule an appointment for consultation.  Please contact us directly for your care coordination, QIDP, and nursing needs at or you may contact our assistant Meghan Jones at
We are happy to say that we will continue to provide whatever assistance we can with questions you may have, especially concerning HCS/TxHmL Care Coordination, Nursing, or general survey requirements from LTCR department in these programs.  We continue to assist those working with the ICF/IID program as well. We are currently providing on-site live training at this time and live training is open to the public as well.
FYI-We do still provide “mentoring” assistance for program managers, case managers, and especially for nurses.  We continue to provide nursing trainings and we can refer you out to our partner RN consultants, Nursing Innovations, who provide IDD nursing consultation, mentoring and/or training for HCS, TxHmL and ICF.  If you have new staff or nurses who need training quicker than classes posted on the calendar, please let me know and we do offer some of our previously recorded sessions for a low cost which includes the handouts.   We are happy to schedule one-on-one training sessions and mentoring with one of our consultants.  We can also refer you to another resource, if more appropriate.
For HCS Providers who want to purchase specific services and/or specific forms we have on our website, may go to the following link “purchase services” page. If you are having issues downloading forms, please feel free to contact us at and I will be happy to send them to you.
Thank you,
Julie Blacklock/ Owner & IDD Waiver Consultant