April 12th, 2022
Information As of Now on Draft ISS Rules:
- The program rules will go to MCAC on August 11, 2022.
- The regulatory or license rules will go to the HHSC Executive Council but no date set yet.
- The program and regulatory rules will be published in the Texas Register for formal comment in late July, and HHSC will hold a public hearing on the rules.
- HHSC has decided to eliminate the on-site ratios.
- Though the off-site ratios have not been eliminated, HHSC is considering revisions to them and open to suggestions and ongoing dialogue.
- The current draft rules do not require any benchmark regarding time persons must engage in off-site activities, and at this time, there is no consideration to establish benchmarks. According to HHSC, this is in great part due to the limited amount of appropriations received to implement the new service.
- No changes expected, at least for now, to the proposed rates.
- At this time, no changes to the DH rates for persons enrolled in an ICF/IID, yet who will attend an ISS facility are anticipated to occur.
- Based on comments received through the informal comment period, HHSC is restructuring and revising the draft regulatory/license rules. Details were not provided.
- Stakeholders requested consideration of a separate meeting to discuss the draft rules. No confirmation received as to whether HHSC will schedule a meeting.
- HHSC has created a webpage related to ISS. To access, go to: https://www.hhs.texas.gov/providers/long-term-care-providers/long-term-care-provider-resources/individualized-skills-socialization
April 10th, 2022
Individualized Skills and Socialization
Texas HHSC has developed the Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider Portal, an online system for providers of individualized skills and socialization.
The Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider Portal will allow providers to:
- Complete and review trainings on the Individualized Skills and Socialization service.
- Find and review provider letters and other information and releases related to Individualized Skills Socialization.
- Link to rules and other services related to Individualized Skills and Socialization.
April 10th, 2022
Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider Portal Training
Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider applicants are required to complete HHSC Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider Training as well as training on the use of the TULIP application.
- Coming soon
Provider Communications
- PL 2021-42 – This Provider Letter offers a brief introduction to the new individualized skills and socialization service and what providers can expect as HHSC implements the service.
- Individualized Skills and Socialization Services webinar – This helpful webinar provides an introduction and overview to Individualized Skills and Socialization
Jan. 27 Recording of Individualized Skills and Socialization Services Webinar Available
- Individualized Skills and Socialization FAQs – Coming Soon
Additional Links
- Individualized Skills and Socialization Regulatory Rule – Coming Soon
- MSC Rule – Coming Soon
- HCS Provider Portal
- TxHmL Provider Portal
- DAHS Provider Portal
Questions about Individualized Skills and Socialization Provider Portal?
- Send us an email at LTCRPolicy@hhs.texas.gov