January 14th, 2022

ICF/IID and HCS Surveys:  HHSC has responded to questions providers have asked regarding the current backlog of surveys and what time period will be reviewed/surveyed when a provider finally receives its survey.
Should you have further questions, please email HHSC at:  LTCRPolicy@hhs.texas.gov
In regards to ICF surveys, the facility needs to be able to show compliance at all timesSome areas of compliance require (at least) annual updates (i.e. Individual program plans), other areas may be something with a 3 year follow-up (i.e. pap smear/gynecologist follow-up).  Regardless of when the annual survey took place, the facility would be responsible for showing that those things occurred.  26 TAC Ch. 551.191 (h) reads “a facility must make all books, records, and other documents that are maintained by or on behalf of the facility accessible to HHSC on request.”

HCS program providers also need to be able to show compliance at all times.

For recertification surveys, surveyors will look at records from after the last recertification survey exit date forward to the present survey. 40 TAC 9.178(g) provides that “the program provider must make available all records, reports, and other information related to the delivery of HCS Program services and CFC services as requested by HHSC, other authorized agencies, or CMS and deliver such items, as requested, to a specified location.”

In regards to the backlog, as per our survey ops partners, ICF/IID should be up-to-date on their annual surveys and LTCR is working on completing [HCS/TxHmL] surveys and working through any outstanding backlogs.