October 3rd, 2021

HHSC Announces HCS and TxHmL Interpretive Guidance Page

HHSC Long-term Care Regulation created the HCS and TxHmL Interpretive Guidance page. This page connects program providers with relevant tools for rule interpretation. It includes the Interpretative Guidance booklet and Certification Principle training.

October 3rd, 2021

Twogether Consulting highly recommends you read through the HCS/TxHmL Interpretive Guidance Booklet and keep this PDF downloaded on your desktop for reference in preparation for survey and for addressing Plans of Corrections after your survey.  This guidance is meant to give you information on what surveyors expect to see when coming to your facility as well as examples of critical vs. non-critical scenarios to help you identify the type of Administrative (monetary) penalties you may incur due to violations (previously citations) made concerning the HCS/TxHmL TAC rules and regs. It is extremely helpful (especially concerning nursing requirements and expectations).