November 17, 2020 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Free Webinar
Meghan Jones

Free Webinar Series From Twogether Consulting

“Cellular Blood Pressure Monitoring System”

We are happy to have Abundant Health presenting information on an awesome resource for some of our individuals receiving Medicare who may need to monitor their blood pressure fairly regularly.  This may be a great help to our nursing staff and physicians.

Guest presenter:

Steve Cardie

Date: Tuesday -November 17th, 2020

Time:  Noon-12:45 pm

Cost:  Free!!!

Where:  Webinar 

Topic:  Cellular Blood Pressure Monitoring System   (Free To Medicare Patients!)  

Abundant Health is the distributor of a remote blood pressure monitoring system for Medicare patients that is the best on the market. It is the only FDA approved cellular blood pressure monitor. It makes it easy to report regular blood pressure monitoring to your physician with little to no effort and proving complete HIPPA compliance.  The system is much like your standard wrist BPM cuff, but it has a SIM card in it that reports all data instantly to your physician and can supply records that can be printed out by the client or facility for the individual’s records.  This would be a great system as well for individuals living in their own family home or in a host home setting that may want to be as independent as possible or may cut down on needing as much staff assistance and/or supervision.  Abundant Health works with providers, clinics, hospitals, and physicians across the country.   Here is a quote from one of them:

“Our new Cellular Blood Pressure Monitor System connects automatically to cell towers and transmits your patient’s information directly to your practice. This device makes it simple for seniors who tend to be more technology challenged to utilize Medicare’s RPM program without the difficulty of connecting to cell phones or the internet. No passwords, no Bluetooth, no internet connections required.

The rapid advance of medical device design plus an enormous upgrade in telecommunications makes Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) suddenly possible for virtually everyone. Anywhere.  In November 2018 CMS officially approved three new billing codes for Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM).  The telehealth industry experts agree that this is the biggest financial incentive to date in the history of digital medicine.”

This product is free to many individuals who receive Medicare, particularly those with supplemental insurances and it is free for those persons receiving home health services.  It is also free for the physician to use the system. My understanding is that some individuals may need to pay a 20% co-payment depending on their supplemental or type of Medicare.

** Some exciting new monitoring system products are being released in Dec.2020 and some new changes/updates to the B/P monitoring system are also happening.  Steve will be telling us all about it.

To register:  please click on the following Gotowebinar link:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3642654945259750160

You can contact Ayshe at:

Helpful links on encouraging your individuals to take their meds and monitor their blood pressure, particularly the importance of self-monitoring.