WEBINAR: Data User Agreement/Security & Privacy Protocols: “What Are They & How Do We Meet Compliance?” (HCS/TxHmL)
by Julie Blacklock | Apr 7, 2021
May 3, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Data User Agreement /Security & Privacy Protocols:
“What Are They & How Do We Meet Compliance?”
(HCS/TxHmL Programs)
Date: May 3rd, 2021
Time: 10:00am – 12:00noon
Cost: $45
For: Owners, Program Managers, HR staff, Case Managers/Care Coordinators, Nurses, Quality Assurance Staff
Presenter: Julie Blacklock-IDD Waiver Consultant
You will receive a confirmation email and handout as well as a link to register with “Gotowebinar” to attend the session, once we receive payment. Please click on your registration link right away to receive reminders for the session!

-Definition: DUA and BAA (Business Associate Agreement)
-Why Do We Need The DUA Form? Who Fills This Out & When?
-Contractor Vs. Subcontractor
-Definition: Security & Privacy Inquiry Form
-When & Why Does The Provider Complete This Form? How Often Do I Update This Form?
-What Must The Provider Consider When Developing SP Policy & Procedure
-Security & Privacy Requirements For Electronic/Online Records
-Transmittal, Storage, Destruction of PHI Records
-Tips: Staff Training ideas, Tracking Users, Insurance Options, Electronic Record Programs
-Ongoing Monitoring & Assessment of Protocols and Staff’s Knowledge
-Breach of PHI: What Do I Do If I have a Breach?
**If we receive questions or inquiries for assistance during this webinar, we plan to work with Greg Mahaley-Implementation Manager at Taskmaster Pro to create a “Follow-up FAQ webinar” for those attending this webinar.
We would be glad to invoice you if you prefer. Please indicate how you will paying when you register with Meghan Jones.
Requested invoice: We send you an invoice from Paypal and then you make a payment directly through the invoice- using credit card, debit card, or paypal account or payment by check.
Online Payment: You may also choose to use this social media payment link from the specific event below: (FYI- If you choose this method I believe it will only take payment for 1 person/item at a time)
or you may pay on the website on the “payment” page. Her is the direct link to the “payment” page. https://twogetherconsulting.com/payments/
If you have any problems, please ask Meghan Jones to walk you through when you call to register. Please contact us directly about group rates. Remember to enter in total $ amount for # of attendees. Ex: 2 people want to attend x $125 =$250 total.
To complete registration and for any additional information or to arrange payment by check you must contact:
Meghan Jones at: meghanjones.tx@gmail.com
You may contact Meghan by phone at: (361) 649-5104
Mailing address for checks: Twogether Consulting P.O. Box 90426 Austin, TX 78709