April 23, 2013 @ 3:00 pm – April 24, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
Bannockburn Baptist Church-Conference Center
7100 Brodie Lane
Austin, TX 78745
Julie Blacklock

Conference will address the following IDD Providers:  (HCS) Home & Community Based-Services, (TXHmL) Texas Home Living, &  (ICF/IID) Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

For:  Program Directors, Quality Assurance Staff, Administrative Staff, Care Coordinators, QIDP’s, Nurses, etc…

Day 1:  8AM-4:30PM   Day 2:  8AM-12:00 PM

(Exhibitors:  Day 1:  7 AM-5:30 PM     Day 2:  7 AM-1 PM)

**We have extended registration through the 1st day of the conference (4/23/13),due to numerous requests for more time because some individuals are waiting on approval for check requests/purchase orders.

Topics:  IDD Provider Resources.  Clarification of Recent Changes & Upcoming Changes to ICF, HCS, & TXHmL  IDD Waiver Programs in Texas.  There will be multiple sessions for nurses in our IDD waiver programs as well as 4 sessions specifically developed for  your direct care staff.

Breakout Sessions Include:  Neurodevelopmental Counseling/Interventions and its impact on Disabilities, Alternative ideas for Functional Assessment of IDD population, “Unlocking The Door to Autism”,  Updates on bills in the legislature affecting IDD waivers in Texas, Changes in Assessing Charges for “Room & Board” in the HCS TAC presented by  Becky Hubik from Department of Aging & Disabilities, Considerations for Nursing Service Plans (applies to HCS, TXHmL & ICF),  HCS Billable Nursing Services Vs. Nursing Scope of Practice, Common Nursing Issues and Ways to Address them in IDD Waiver Programs, Overview of  PATH presented by ARC of Texas,  Presentation from ALMA (Association of  Living In Mainstream America), etc….    

Registration and Payment Online:      https://twogetherconsulting.com/conference-registration/ 

For your convenience the following attachments are available if you prefer payment by check.

Conference_Sponsorship,Exhibitor,_Donations-locked forms



Hotel & Parking info for conference-042313-042413      


Direct Care Staff Training:   2 ICF sessions (2.75 hrs  total)  & 2 HCS/TXHmL sessions (3.5 hrs total)            DocumentationICF Residential Notes/ HCS/TXHmL Service Delivery Logs, incident /injury reporting,  MARS/Treatment Sheets, Documenting  Delegated Tasks, Progress/Lack of Progress and it’s  importance .                               Cost:  $100    (max of  6 DC staff per provider included in cost)  


You must contact Julie Blacklock at 512-294-8032  or javasbja@aol.com to complete conference registration and for direct care training registration.

Please contact Kimberly Littlejohn at 512-293-4389 or kclittlejohn@gmail.com for exhibitor or sponsorship opportunities and to donate items to our “goodie bags”.