September 5th, 2021
HHSC Publishes In-Home Day Habilitation Information for Program Providers for COVID-19 (IL 2021-39)
The Texas HHSC is temporarily waiving certain requirements in Section 3710, 4381.3, 4381.7(6) and 4381.7(7) of the Home and Community-based Services Billing Guidelines and the Texas Home Living Billing Guidelines.
This is in response to COVID-19 and to provide access to needed day habilitation services.
HHSC has published a revision to this guidance, IL 2021-39 In-Home Day Habilitation Information for Program Providers for COVID-19 (PDF), replacing IL 2021-33.
It extends the temporary guidance through September 30, 2021.
Email questions to
May 3rd, 2021
HHSC Publishes In-Home Day Habilitation Information for Program Providers for COVID-19 (IL 2021-20)
The Texas HHSC is temporarily waiving certain requirements in Section 3710, 4381.3, 4381.7(6) and 4381.7(7) of the Home and Community-based Services Billing Guidelines and the Texas Home Living Billing Guidelines.
This is in response to COVID-19 and to provide access to needed day habilitation services.
HHSC has published a revision to this guidance IL 2021-20 In-Home Day Habilitation Information for Program Providers for COVID-19 (PDF) which replaces IL 2021-16. It extends the temporary guidance through
May 31, 2021.
Email questions to HCS Policy.
April 17th, 2021
Revisions to Guidance For Day Habilitation Providers Coming!
HHSC and DSHS are working on revisions to the DSHS Guidance for DHs. Once revisions are finalized HHSC will notify providers.
March 25th, 2021
Program Provider Response to COVID-19 and Visitation Expansion-
Day Habilitation Off-Site
2.1.8 Day Habilitation and Outside Employment
Individuals receiving HCS or TxHmL services can choose to attend off-site day habilitation that is in compliance with DSHS Checklist for Day Habilitation Sites or outside employment with documented informed decision-making.
• The program provider’s infection control policy must include provisions specific to those attending off-site day habilitation, employment, or any other community activity to ensure the health and safety of individuals.
• The program provider must screen individuals for fever and other signs and symptoms of COVID-19 upon their return to the residence.
• If program provider staff does not provide transportation, the program provider should arrange for pick-up and drop-off to occur outside the residence when possible. If transportation staff must enter the residence to prepare individuals for transportation, they must be screened and wearing a face mask.
• Program providers must provide oversight of day habilitation settings to ensure compliance with their contract. They must request documentation (e.g., policies, plans, procedures) from the day habilitation site that demonstrates how it plans to comply with DSHS guidance. For outside employment, the program provider must request from the employer information on how the employer is responding to COVID-19 to protect its employees.
PL 21-09 March 25, 2021 Page 5 of 20
• The program provider must ensure individuals are supplied with masks or cloth face coverings and encourage their appropriate use, unless contraindicated. The provider cannot charge individuals for facemasks or face coverings.
Providers are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of the individuals in their care. In the context of deciding whether to attend outside day habilitation sites, the program provider fulfills this responsibility by participating in the informed decision-making process, which includes:
• Providing a full list of available options and alternatives, including in-home day habilitation, if available;
• Assessing the risks of attending day habilitation;
• Providing training on PPE, hygiene, and physical distancing;
• Except for individuals in host-home and own home/family home settings, ensuring that individuals have access to PPE.
For individuals in a host home and own home/family home settings, the program provider must encourage individuals to wear a facemask or face covering over the nose and mouth and use any other required PPE necessary to safely attend the day habilitation site.
The program provider must only contract with a day habilitation site that agrees to comply with DSHS guidance. As part of its contractual oversight of the day habilitation site, the HCS or TxHmL program provider should set up a system to monitor compliance with DSHS guidance.
In addition, the program provider must include in its contract a requirement for the day habilitation site to inform individuals, program providers, staff, and family when it is aware of probable or confirmed cases of COVID-19 among staff or the individuals it serves. However, a day habilitation site must not release personally-identifying information regarding confirmed or probable cases.