ISS Remediation & Validation Process

August 15th, 2023 Remediation & Validation Process  This is a process of performing on-site visits to determine compliance by ISS providers, with certain HCBS Settings rules and other rules:   HHSC reviewed the process and the assessment tool being used.  Here is the information letter sent out previously. IL-2023-28 Please note the information about the required attestation form that must...

New Quarterly HH/CC On-Site Visits/Reviews

August, 15th, 2023 Compliance with new rules in Ch 565 on additional oversight for HH/CC service providers & Individuals receiving services Concerning the now required quarterly HH/CC On-site Visits to review specific areas that providers must conduct, providers have expressed concerns about HH/CC service providers being very upset with this new change of more oversight by the provider and HHSC, and they have concerns that it will be too intrusive. There are...

HELPFUL TIPS: For Individualized Skills & Socialization (ISS) Providers

July 31st, 2023 Just wanted to post some helpful tips for all of the new ISS providers out there.  #1. Be sure you date your ISS policies, and specifically for any Evacuation &/or Emergency Response Procedures  When you revise them, show the revision dates on those policies. ISS Service Providers can receive a violation from the survey team for not doing so. #2. Be sure to get with your local emergency response coordinators in your areas, to help you with...

Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation Training for ISS

July 6th, 2023 If you need some help with training your On-Site and Off-Site ISS staff on Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation, Twogether Consulting has developed a short 45 min-1hr training to address everyone from direct support staff at your ISS to your Administrator. Included are but not limited to: definitions of Abuse (Physical, Mental, and Sexual), Neglect, Exploitation, and Mistreatment as well as signs and symptoms of each one of these. This session also...

TxHmL & CFC Certification Standards-New TAC Rules-Adopted

June 20th, 2023 TxHmL & CFC Certification Standards Adopted  As of June 21st, 2023 the new HCS & CFC Standards will be effective. These rules were transferred from Chapter 9 to Chapter 566, including both newly added rules (Ch. 262) and rules from Chapter 9  which have been revised to ensure clarity.  HHSC intends to post an Information Letter regarding the rules which will review each section of the rules in the document we have included below, as well...