July 9th, 2024
Thank you so much for those of you who could attend today’s session hosted by Twogether Consulting.
I know many of you who registered were unable to attend today. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those of you in Houston and other areas affected by the hurricane and flooding. We have recorded today’s session and will also post it on our “gotostage” channel as well as LinkedIn and FB pages.
Click on the link below to the recording of today’s session. Register name and email and begin watching.
Thank you so much to our presenter today, LaShonda Dennis from Pegue-Dennis CPA, PC

La Shonda M. Dennis, CPA
Ph: 469-708-4272
Address: 1320 Prudential Dr, Dallas, TX 75235
La Shonda M. Dennis, CPA is the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pegue-Dennis, CPA PC a DFW-based boutique certified public accounting firm whose passion is the success and prosperity of our clients.
La Shonda brings 28 years in diverse tax, financial, and business consulting experience to her role as a Certified Public Accountant and currently serves as a Fractional CFO for service organizations in need of executive financial leadership on an interim or contracted long-term basis.
For small to medium-sized businesses, La Shonda has expertise in providing comprehensive accounting services, including individual, corporate, partnership, and exempt organization income tax returns, tax planning, IRS representation, startup business consulting, personal finance coaching, TX Medicaid/Medicare cost report preparation & advisory, TMHP Analytics Reporting as well as overall client advisory services.
Feel free to contact LaShonda if you would like her to reach out to you or scan her QR code below for initial services.