July 2nd, 2021
HHSC selected the Bexar service area as the primary service area in which to operate the STAR+PLUS Pilot Program
Yesterday members of the IDD SRAC and STAR+PLUS Pilot Program Workgroup were sent the notice below regarding selection of the STAR+PLUS Pilot site. As the result of HB 4533 (Klick – 86th Session) Chapter 534, Government Code was amended and, among other changes, directs the pilot to assist in evaluating and developing a plan for the transition of all or some of the long term services and supports currently provided through the non-residential services provided through the HCS, TxHmL, CLASS and DBMD waiver programs. Chapter 534, Government Code calls for the pilot to start 9-1-2023 and conclude on 9-1-2025.
Notes: i) Prior to consideration of the transition of the residential services provided through the community-based ICF/IID program and the HCS and DBMD waivers, Chapter 534 calls for a separate pilot. ii) It is not known at this time how the STAR+PLUS procurement process will impact the number of and current MCOs in the Bexar STAR+PLUS service area. The procurement is expected to be released in Q2 of FY 2022 with awards to be announced in Q3 of FY 2023 and an operational start date of Q1 of FY 2024.
Message to Members of the IDD SRAC and the STAR+PLUS Pilot program Workgroup: Texas Government Code, Section 534.106(c) states the pilot program shall be conducted in a STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care service area selected by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).
HHSC has also identified two backup service areas if unforeseen circumstances prevent operation in the Bexar service area that are prioritized in the following order:
1. MRSA Northeast
2. Tarrant.
This link shows the Medicaid managed care service areas.