February 23rd, 2022

Claims Training For The Transition To TMHP Next Week 

HHSC and TMHP will conduct the training next week. They will let us know in the next few days when the training is set.
Webinar will be 2 hours.  Training will include a step-by-step walk-through. A  large portion of time will be used to answer questions providers have about billing. Look at the considerations to use applications to improve your business.
HHSC & TMHP webinars have a 1,000 person limit.  Though they are trying to expand the webinar capacity, if they cannot expand , 2 webinars will be held.
TMHP will send providers materials related to the training in advance so providers can review and be prepared with questions.
Links to access training materials are provided below.
*The 1st link provides provider claims training information.
*The 2nd link provides instructions on how to create a Learning Management Systems (LMS) account to access training.

Provider claims training, using TexMedConnect- https://tmhp.exceedlms.com/student/path/181116-texmedconnect-for-long-term-care-ltc-providers.

Providers will need to create a Learning Management System (LMS) Account to access the training- https://www.tmhp.com/sites/default/files/file-library/LMS%20Registration%20Job%20Aid%20for%20Providers.pdf

HCS_TxHmL@tmhp.com Provider Mailbox for transition-related issues and assistance.

Other Helpful Resources

Recent provider notification related to upcoming transition and webinar and training resources. https://www.tmhp.com/news/2022-01-21-reminder-beginning-march-1-2022-hcs-and-txhml-programs-submit-claims-and-forms-tmhp

TMHP Long-Term Care page https://www.tmhp.com/programs/ltc Also keep an eye under the Recent news for provider notifications. It is located in the gray column on the right of the page.

TMHP Long-Term Care Resource page- https://www.tmhp.com/programs/ltc/reference-material

TMHP Account Setup for HCS and TxHmL Waiver Programs– QRG to assist provider with account setup activities

FAQ’s for TMHP:  Frequently Asked Questions – Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Waiver Programs– This document is being updated on a regular basis.