Off Site Services
Twogether Consulting now offers our training and correction services to you via telephone, e-mail and fax.
We have always provided these services to agencies that have contracted with us to do on-site quality assurance. Now you, too, can take advantage of our expertise at an affordable rate.
Contact us with your issues or send us your documents for review to be sure they meet state standards. We’ll be available to assist and advise you, your care coordinators, QIDP’s and nurses. We’ll review and provide feedback for any of your program documents, answer questions regarding the Texas Administrative Code and Billing Guidelines, assist you with writing plans of correction, developing policies and procedures and with creating tools and tracking systems. If you need answers to your questions, we’ll be here for you. We’ll be glad to help you any way we can.
Four Service Options

Option 1
3 hours consultation
$80 per hour
$240 quarterly (3 hrs)
$960 annually ($240/QTR)

Option 3
9 hours consultation
$70 per hour
$630 quarterly (9hrs)
$2520 annually ($630/QTR)

Option 2
6 hours consultation
$75 per hour
$450 quarterly (6 hrs)
$1800 annually ($450/QTR)

Option 1
12 hours consultation
$65 per hour
$780 quarterly (12 hrs)
$3120 annually ($780/QTR)
Offsite Service FAQs
Q & A sessions or conference calls should be arranged by appointment. Due to our business travel and teaching classes, we may not be able to take a call right away but we will return phone calls within 24 hours (usually the same day). If you send us documentation for review and feedback such an IP or annual staffing, please allow for a 2-3 day turn around. We will complete the work in a timely fashion but it may not be within the same day we receive it.
How will I be billed?
We will bill against your time in 15-minute increments. A service (conversation or review) lasting up to 20 minutes will be billed as 15 minutes and 21-30 minutes will be billed as 30 minutes. A service lasting up to 50 minutes will be bill as 45 minutes and 51-60 minutes will be billed as 1 hour. You will receive quarterly invoices via email showing the time used and time remaining along with details of how your time was spent.
Can I save up my time?
Yes, you can. If you sign up for a year of services, you can save up to 2 quarters at a time. For example: If you chose Option 2, you could use 12 hours in one month if you have not yet used any for the previous months in that quarter and for the previous quarter. That way, you can use our services when you need them the most. You can also save up your time within a quarter to use in one month.
Do I have to sign up for a year?
No, you don’t. You can contract for 1, 2 or 3 quarters or for a year. Just know that the more hours you sign up for, the lower the cost per hour.
Can I cancel my contract?
Yes, you can. If you are not satisfied with our services, just send us an email notifying us that you wish to cancel your contract and we’ll refund your money via check for the remaining time.
If you have received an invoice or contract from “Twogether Consulting” for our services, or just need to make a payment online, you may make all credit card or Pay Pal payments, by clicking on the “Payment” tab under “About Us” at the top of this page. (You will see the menu drop down when you click on the tab) You will be directed to PayPal where you can enter the payment amount. You do not need a PayPal account to make a payment. Most major credit cards and debit cards as well are also accepted.
Please contact us at 512-294-8032 or, prior to making a payment using this pay now button.