December 17th, 2021
The link doesn’t inform providers about current information but will provide future information about ARPA funds, and will be available on the newly created HHSC Grants webpage.
Press Release: Governor Abbott, HHSC Announce $128 Million To Support Staffing Needs At Rural Hospitals, Nursing Facilities | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott
HHSC Grants Webpage: COVID-19 in Healthcare Relief Grants | Texas Health and Human Services
According to the HHSC Provider Finance representative- Ms. Ellison at LTCR Dec. 7th meeting with the IDD workgroup, this is the information on how the state-controlled ARPA funds appropriated via SB 8 (3rd Special Session) will be distributed. [Remember: These funds are separate from the HCBS 10% FMAP funds.]
Click on Agenda Item #6 at the following link:
1. SB 8 appropriated $200 million for nursing homes and $178 million for ICFs/IID, ALFs, Home Health agencies and community attendants (which includes CDS and non-CDS providers).
2. According to HHSC there are two options for distributing the $178 million: a) Option 1 would award a little less than $5,000 to each eligible facility or program entity. b) Option 2, a Request for Application (RFA) process, will ensure providers receive more than $5,000. Specific amount not offered. Option 2 will be used.
3. As stated above, the funds (or grants) will be distributed through a Request for Application (RFA) process. Each program or entity (or sub-pool) will have its own RFA process and criteria that must be met to receive the funds. According to HHSC, using a RFA is a shorter process; i.e., 5 months versus an approximate 10 months.
4. HHSC estimates there are 36,000 ICF/IID, ALF, Home Health and community attendant providers. Note: While 36,000 seems high, HHSC explained that although a provider or organization may operate 20 ICFs or 10 ALFs, each facility the provider operates is counted as a ‘provider.’
5. Allocation of the funds across the above-mentioned programs and entities (or sub-pools) has yet to be determined though allocation could be based on client count.
** Note: HHSC stakeholders asked HHSC to consider attendant utilization in awarding the funds citing that group homes require 24/7 staff whereas services in the other sub-pools do not.
6. Of the 4 programs and entities referenced in SB 8, HHSC is establishing 5 sub-pools. The 5 sub-pools with facility or provider count noted are as follows:
- ALFs: 2.025 facilities
- ICF/IID: 708 facilities
- Home Health: 6,945 (count based on on number of unique entities/facilities listed as HCSSA)
- Community Attendants which will be separated into 2 groups – CDS and non-CDS: 23,494 CDS providers; 3,498 non-CDS and based on billing data.
**Note: HHSC stated that HCS residential and CFC PAS/HAB will be included. Though HHSC did not clarify under which sub-pool or program these services be placed, it is assumed they will fall under the non-CDS community attendant category.