Pre-Webinar Survey

For those Nurses registered or planning to register for our Dec 11th, 2020 follow-up session:                                                                                      “Round Table Discussion For Nursing Concerns In IDD Programs” (HCS/TxHmL/ICF)

We did not get to at least 4 of our questions primarily on COVID during the 1st Round Table Discussion on 11/5/20.  We still have some questions on RN Delegations that we need feedback on for future sessions and COVID-19.  We felt they were very important and did not want to wait until the Feb. quarterly session.  Thanks.
Please print out this page and document your answers and responses to help us to develop topics of discussion during our 1st session as well as future round table sessions.
You will need to scan your completed survey and email them as soon as possible, but by no later than 12/08/20, to or you may also submit them when you complete your registration prior to 11/1/20 to Meghan Jones.  Her email is: if you prefer.  You do not have to put your name on the survey!   You can also fax them to 512-291-9075


Short Nurse input: Please let us know what you are hoping this forum achieves for you specifically;
(in a few short words)

Survey Questions:  

Points to Ponder
“The National Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association categorizes the responsibilities of IDD nurses as fitting into eleven categories”: Our present focus today is to develop input from the nurses as it relates to delegation and assignment:
“The responsibilities of delegation and authority contribute to the ambiguous role of the IDD nurse. Delegation is the process by which responsibility and authority for performing a task are transferred to another individual. In the delegation process, the delegator remains accountable for the task that has been delegated. However, in many settings, the IDD nurse does not have supervisory authority over the unlicensed direct support staff who provide much of the hands-on day to day care of people
with IDD.”


1. Does your employer possess a basic understanding of RN delegation responsibility and practice guidelines, and acknowledge your role in the delegation decision-making process?
a. Yes, my employer is supportive & knowledgeable in the basic delegation decision process
b. I am assigned delegations and there is not a cohesive framework or systematic process
c. I believe that the Program Manager, Case Manager, and UAP are willing to learn from the RN and improve basic
knowledge as well as move towards an educational and systematic approach to safe RN Delegation processes.

ANA Quote
“The American Nurses Association describes unlicensed support staff as individuals trained to function in an assistive role to the registered nurse. Without supervisory authority, IDD nurses have little opportunity to intervene when necessary to ensure safe and appropriate healthcare. This inability to practice to the full extent of licensure can lead to frustration for the IDD nurse”.

2. Do you have supervisory authority and do you understand the scope of your delegation authority: (i.e. input on related policies, recommendations for UAP’s, concerns with repetitive medication errors, or lack of correct implementation by UAP related to delegated tasks performed in accordance with protocols).
a. Yes
b. No

Describe your input on a solution (if you are an RN):


c. N/A  (Not an RN)

3. TRUE OR FALSE (circle one)
I find that the rules are fragmented and regulations may be misunderstood and standardized nursing practice is difficult to achieve.


4. TRUE or FALSE (circle one)
Covid 19 Processes: we have processes in place. We are following CDC guidelines, and I am clear on the established Policies and Protocols that are mandated.

If you answered “false” to this question briefly describe your needs:  (i.e. -education, sample policies, etc…)


COVID-19 – “Food For Thought”:  There are a lot of considerations and concerns in the workplace for Providers of IDD services, in particular nurses as well as staff. Has protocol and training been developed, implemented and how are we monitoring this?  How can we do this effectively?  Other questions like: Is this protocol actually occurring?  Is it being implemented correctly by nurses and staff?  In addition, are we ensuring we are following the most ethical standards and considering the feelings, mental state and concerns of our individuals?  Are we taking into proper consideration the safety of our own family members in our daily protocol, for when we come and go from the facility?  Are we trying to mitigate COVID-19 in every way possible?  Is “burn out” happening with ourselves or our staff and what can we do to prevent it?

5.  Do you feel isolated as a nurse, during the pandemic at your work?

a. Yes    b. No

If you answered “yes”, please comment:  (i.e. In what way do you feel isolated in the workplace?)



6.  Do you feel “burn out” yourself or among your fellow nursing staff?

a. Yes    b. No

If you answered “yes”, what do you think we might be able to do about it?  (Or ways facility might be able to help manage it?)



7: What obligation do you think you have to yourself and/or your family (while in the workplace during the pandemic)?
