September 5th, 2023

As of Sept. 5th, TMHP had implemented improvements to the phone system, including the Automated Inquiry System (AIS).

Here are some of the improvements:

A. Some of the menu options and messages have changed.

B.TMHP is adding direct transfers where applicable.

The new system has the ability to recognize menu options through touch-tone keypad selection or speech recognition to engage callers. For more information call the TMHP help desk at 800-626-4117


LONG Term Care 800-626-4117

Option 1 LTC Customer Service

Option 2 LTC Nurse

Option 3 EDI

Option 4 EVV

Option 5 Fair Hearing (Providers only)

Option 6 Third Party Liability (TPL) , Other Insurance (OI) , Update to MESAV


Customer Service Line: Option 1 (Sub-Options below)

Sub-Option 1 HCS/TxHmL Forms and Claims Inquiries

Sub-Option 2 MN

Sub-Option 3 Claims

Sub-Option 4 All Other Forms

Sub-Option 5 All Other Inquiries