October 15th, 2024

From Twogether Consulting!

It’s almost time for Halloween and I am sure many providers already have some fun activities lined up for their individuals.  Let us also not forget that voting time is around the corner and we urge you to make sure your individuals are aware of their right to vote.  Please be sure to provide education about voting, if needed as well as opportunities for your individuals to vote. Twogether Consulting recommends checking out the “My Voter Portal” at the Secretary of State’s website before voting to look for your voting location and to ensure an individual is still registered, as the individual may not be registered anymore if they have moved for example.  FYI, the voter registration deadline ended on Oct. 7th, 2024.  Information on services for voting available to persons with disabilities can be found at: https://www.votetexas.gov/mobile/voter-with-special-needs.htm

Here is the information on dates for absentee and general voting deadlines

Absentee ballot deadlines
Voting deadlines


If you need assistance in registering to vote, have questions regarding voting or feel that any of your voting rights have been violated, please contact:

Disability Rights Texas
2222 West Braker Lane
Austin, Texas 78758
1-888-796-VOTE (8683)

Texas Secretary of State
P.O. Box 12060
Austin, Texas 78711-2060
512-463-5650 or 1-800-252-VOTE (8683)
Fax: 512-475-2811; TTY: 7-1-1
Texas Secretary of State website


Twogether Consulting is scheduling several webinars for HCS/TxHmL and ICF in November and early December. Please check out our home page at www.twogetherconsulting.com and click on our training calendars for more information.

Please see our “Updates” section of the website for the latest news for IDD providers.

We are pleased to welcome our newest consultant to the team: Allison Peters. Some of you may know her as she has been a surveyor with both ICF and HCS.  She will be assisting Twogether Consulting with some of our off-site needs with providers and those of you in the Houston and surrounding areas who may need help on-site with survey preparation, plans of corrections, and specific training.  Please contact Meghan Jones at: meghanjones.tx@gmail.com if you would like to schedule time for Allison to assist you.


Remember that if you would like assistance from Twogether Consulting, please schedule your requests from us as soon as possible before the holidays.  We will be limited on availability from about December 15th, 2024 through January 15th, 2025,  so get your requests in now!


 Ricardo Ortega and Jenny Thollander from ICareManager will be our “Free Resources Webinar” presenters on October 17th, 2024 from noon-1pm.  Jennie Thollander (Account Executive), will be our main presenter for this webinar and will be talking about their EHR system for IDD providers.  This system includes areas addressing:  assessment, care tracking, eMar, incident reporting, appointment scheduling, attendance, billing, and more.  The focus for this session will be on the medical/nursing services.  The information is currently posted on our website calendar. You may register by clicking on this link: “REGISTRATION”. If you can’t attend but would like to receive a copy of the recorded session, then please register.  We will send a link out to all registrants and attendees after the session. 


Twogether Consulting would like to welcome our newest “Free Resource Webinar” presenter, Maria Burke (Regional Director For Texas) from the Delta-T Group for our November session. We are sorry, but we are still waiting on a date for this event.  Please watch for updates on our website. We are planning for a date shortly before Thanksgiving. 


Don’t forget, the Texas Chapter of AAIDD (American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) will have their conference Nov. 12th-15th, 2024 in Galveston, Tx. Information, schedule at a glance, and registration for these events can be found at:  https://www.aaiddtx.org/2024-convention-landing


Twogether Consulting will be posting webinars for the end of October, as well as those for November in the next few days.  In November we will have a training on the New Rules For HCS (Chapter 565) and another one for TxHmL (Ch 566).  Please check the site in the coming weeks for these and more sessions.  Webinars posted on the Home Page of the website now are:

Again, the Free Resource Webinar is:  “Streamlining Medication Management with iCareManager” Presented By iCareManager-  October 17th, 2024


 Please feel free to e-mail us or contact Meghan Jones to schedule an appointment for consultation.  Please contact us directly for your care coordination, QIDP, and nursing needs at info@twogetherconsulting.com or you may contact our assistant Meghan Jones at meghanjones.tx@gmail.com
We are happy to say that we will continue to provide whatever assistance we can with questions you may have, especially concerning HCS/TxHmL Care Coordination, Nursing, or general survey requirements from LTCR department in these programs.  We continue to assist those working with the ICF/IID program as well. We are currently providing on-site live training at this time and live training is open to the public as well.
FYI-We do still provide “mentoring” assistance for program managers, case managers, and especially for nurses.  We continue to provide nursing trainings and we can refer you out to our partner RN consultants, Nursing Innovations, who provide IDD nursing consultation, mentoring and/or training for HCS, TxHmL and ICF.  If you have new staff or nurses who need training quicker than classes posted on the calendar, please let me know and we do offer some of our previously recorded sessions for a low cost which includes the handouts.   We are happy to schedule one-on-one training sessions and mentoring with one of our consultants.  We can also refer you to another resource, if more appropriate.
For HCS Providers who want to purchase specific services and/or specific forms we have on our website, may go to the following link “purchase services” page. If you are having issues downloading forms, please feel free to contact us at info@twogetherconsulting.com and I will be happy to send them to you.
Thank you,
Julie Blacklock/ Owner & IDD Waiver Consultant