Twogether Consulting

Helping you help those you serve since 2004


Twogether Consulting has served as consultants to both HCS, TXHML, &  ICF providers statewide, assisting them in areas of personnel training, quality assurance, survey and audit preparation and recovery, level of need increases, development of policies and procedures, plans of correction, billing errors and omissions. We also hold classes statewide for nurses, care coordinators, QIDP’s, program administrators, quality assurance staff, as well as “on-site only” classes for direct care.seo resell

With combined experience of more than 50 years serving individuals with developmental disabilities in both the public and private sectors, Twogether Consulting is here to help you as HCS, ICF/IID and TXHML providers build a more successful business while improving your quality of service delivery to the individuals in your program.

Upcoming Events

12:00 pm Free Resource Webinar Hosted By ... @ Free Webinar
Free Resource Webinar Hosted By ... @ Free Webinar
Oct 17 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Free Resource Webinar Hosted By Twogether Consulting: "Streamlining Medication Management with iCareManager" Presented By iCareManager @ Free Webinar
Presented by:  Ricardo Ortega and Jennie Thollander with ICareManager    Twogether Consulting is pleased to share one of our newest resources for providers.  Ricardo Ortega, the Director of Sales & Marketing for iCareManager, is joining[...]
1:00 pm (Webinar) “Best Practices For HC... @ Webinar
(Webinar) “Best Practices For HC... @ Webinar
Nov 12 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
(Webinar) "Best Practices For HCS Providers: How To Remain In Compliance With New TAC Rules" (Part I) Title 26 Part I Ch 565 @ Webinar
“Webinar” “Best Practices For HCS Providers: How To Remain In Compliance With New TAC Rules” Part I (Title 26 Part I Ch 565)  Presented By Twogether Consulting   Part II of Ch 565 training will[...]
1:00 pm (Webinar) “Best Practices For HC... @ Webinar
(Webinar) “Best Practices For HC... @ Webinar
Nov 18 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
(Webinar) "Best Practices For HCS Providers: How To Remain In Compliance With New TAC Rules" (Part II) Title 26 Part I Ch 565 @ Webinar
“Webinar” “Best Practices For HCS Providers: How To Remain In Compliance With New TAC Rules” Part II (Title 26 Part I Ch 565)  Presented By Twogether Consulting   Date: November 18th, 2024       [...]

Provider Applicants

We help HCS/TxHmL Provicer applicants at all stages of the process. We can help:

  • If you’re just getting started
  • You’ve received coorespondence from HHSC
  • You need corrections to your application
  • You’ve received a notice of acceptance of applications
  • You’ve received notice of PAO
  • You’ve passed your PAO test
  • You’re received your letter of licensure.
  • You want to apply for the Mental Health HCS waiver program

Providers In Crisis

Notify us immediately if you need assistance with your Corrective Action Plans CAP’s/POC’s and evidence of corrections. Do not wait!

The minute the surveyor walks out of the facility, or even if you know prior to them leaving that you will need DIT’s, POC’s, CAP’s, or other assistance, contact us immediatly.  Your time period for response is limited!

A successful Corrective Action Plan involves many steps and these do take time. We need to ensure that you’re successful, and need to be able to work with you to:

  • Review your tags and citations
  • Develop your Corrective Action Plan
  • Provide training
  • Delivery and measure Quality Assurance
  • Plan around holidays and other calendaring issues

Provider Training

For over 15 years, Twogether Consulting has been delivering the best training in the state of Texas for HCS, ICF, and other providers.  We provide the best assistance you can find with training, survey preparation, billing preparation, policy and procedure development, and provider marketing.

Julie Blacklock, our founder and owner, has been an owner of an HCS program and understands the cost of running a program and the limited financial return sometimes for the amount of service the facility is expected to provide. As a provider yourself, you can trust us to deliver the best services at the lowest price.

Twogether Updates

For those of you with a Venmo account, we do now accept payments via Venmo, as well as Paypal now:  Our Venmo address once you log in is @Twogether2004

Please don’t forget to read our “Updates” page on the website. This is where we post anything new from HHSC and anything going on with Twogether Consulting. Just click on the search bar for a particular topic otherwise posts are in dated order.  It is fairly easy to navigate from one “post” to the other. If you want to read more on each section, just click on “read more”.  See updates postings below

Annual EVV Policy Training Webinars for CDS Employers

October 13th, 2024 This is a reminder that HHSC will host Electronic Visit Verification training webinars for Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers required to use EVV. Attending the webinar will complete the annual EVV policy training requirement. Webinar...

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